. Size of binding: 8 3/4 inches x 11 3/4 in., half-title; design title-page printed in black and red with a Welliver etching of a duck in blue and black, and the publisher's device; Translator's Foreword; English translations of twenty poems, illustrated by five, colored, mezzotint etchings (with tissue guards), and a double-page fold-out lithographic panorama of a northern woodland scene; numbered and signed colophon page. Etchings: frontispiece: eider duck; portrait of Abraham Lincoln (in gray tones on an orange background); waterlily (featuring blue, gray, green, yellow); swan (gray, black and yellow); sky scene (with blue, yellow, pink tones, and black on white); woodland lithograph (with olive green, blue, pink and tan tones; the upper left-hand corner of the fold-out shows a light crease). The handwoven textile binding is by artist, Sara Dochow, and features textured fabrics in shades of dark purple and dark blue, and with tiny reflective threads in some of the fabric; it uses both abstract and natural designs in shades of red, blue, green, violet, orange, with green plant-like forms on the back cover. Housed in a red, textured fabric-covered, drop-back box, with the titling gold-stamped in a recessed area on the front cover. The back cover of the box shows a few light rubs to the textured cloth surface. This book was the subject of an excellent book review: "The Well-Printed Poet", by Arnold Weinstein in Columbia [Magazine] for October, 1988. This book features a translation of Ibsen's poem on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, written in 1865. One of the most handsome of the Vincent Fitz Gerald productions. [Publisher's Colophon]: "The Poems of Henrik Ibsen have been printed in an edition of seventy-five copies with twenty artist proofs on handmade Dieu Donne paper by Daniel Keleher of Wild Carrot Letterpress from type by Golgonooza Letter Foundry. Each copy is numbered and signed by the Artist and Translator. The lithograph was pulled by Holly Sears and Zahra Partovi at Bob Blackburn's Printmaking Workshop. The etchings were executed by Shigemitsu Tsukaguchi. The handwoven cover is the work of Sara Dochow. The edition was bound by Zahra Partovi with a box especially made by David Bourbeau". [English titles of the Poems printed]: The Eider Duck; Afraid of the Light; Building Plans; The Stormy Petrel; The Murder of Abraham Lincoln; Musicians; A Bird Song; My Young Vine; With a Waterlily; The Miner; Gone; A Swan; To My Friend Who Talks Revolution; Wildflowers and Potted Plants; Mountain Life; Thanks; Bird and Birdcatcher; At Port Said; Burned Ships; A Verse. Weight: 3 lbs. N° de ref. del artículo ABE-910294287
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Título: Poems. Translated by Michael Feingold. with ...
Editorial: Vincent Fitz Gerald & Company. New York. Number 49 of only 75 copies, signed by translator, Michael Feingold and artist/illustraor, Neil Welliver.
Año de publicación: 1987
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Condición: Fine
Condición de la sobrecubierta: No Jacket
Ejemplar firmado: Signed by Illustrator(s)
Edición: 1st Edition