[Colophon]: Cette edition originale de Pascal Quignard illustree de huit (8) aquatintes originales de Maria Sepiol, dont trois en couleurs, a ete etablie par Claude Blaizot pour le concours de reliure organise par la Societe des Amis de la Reliure Originale; elle a ete acheve d'imprimer a Paris, le 3 janvier 1986, sur les presses de Francois Da Ros, typographe; les aquatintes ont ete tirees a la presse a bras par l'artiste. Tirage unique limite a 135 exemplaires numerotes, imprimes sur grand velin pur fil Johannot. Exemplaire 134 [signed] Pascal Quignard Maria Madpouata Sepiol. Size of binding: 8 1/2 x 9 3/4", unnumbered pages, 8 aquatints; 3 are colored. In a "revorim prototype" binding by Jean De Gonet, with his signed, & partly printed label at lower left of front paste down: [signed] J. de Gonet no 42/200. Spine features fine grained, plum leather with title stamped horizontally in small black letters in central area, three "open" bands cut out of the leather, to expose the structure of thick, black sewing thread & red cloth sewing backing, or bands, these bands tie into the pressed "revorim" covers which are of a matte black plastic-like material, heavily & deeply blind-stamped with parallel, geometric bands of circles, squares, larger or smaller, diced square backgrounds, & various deep blind or gold stamping on rose, reading: De Gonet Revorim Prototype.De Gonet Artefacts De Gonet; black paper endpapers. In fine condition. Only 135 copies were printed; some were part of the de Gonet "revorim prototype" edition of 200; pencil note by Claude Blaizot from first flyleaf: "1/200 premiers reliures numerotes de J. de Gonet, realisees suivant son brevet 'Artefacts' C.B.". Rare & desirable book. (French text). N° de ref. del artículo ABE-161760200
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Título: Ethelrude et Wolframm. Aquatintes originales...
Editorial: Claude Blaizot 1986 Number 42 of 200; signed by de Gonet; signed by Quignard & Sepiol.
Encuadernación: Encuadernación de tapa dura
Ejemplar firmado: Firmado por el autor
Edición: 1ª Edición