Wykeham Books, LONDON, Reino Unido
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Vendedor de AbeBooks desde 12 de julio de 2001
[Green printed wrappers], 4to, 26 cm, vi, 61 pp, [1], 41 plates (some folding). 30 lots (I-XXX). The first of three sales in which Henry Yates Thompson sought to dispose of virtually all his 100 finest manuscripts. From the introduction:"Of each book in the sale I give one or two facsimiles, in some cases necessarily reduced in size, with a cursory description, referring persons interested Io the four volumes of rny catalogue, where they will find the fullest possible descriptions from the hand of learned experts. Of the thirty lots in the present sale, eight were obtained by me from the Library of Lord Ashburnham, and five from that of M. Ambroise Firmin-Didot, the great Paris publisher, whose collection occupied a position of similar predominance in France to that of Lord Ashburnham in England. Both collections were made about the same period of the 19lh century, when such achievements were comparatively easy." A Presentation Copy inscribed on the title-page and signed by Henry Yates Thompson: 'Sir John Keltie with regards from H.Y. Thompson'. [Sir John Scott Keltie 1840 - 1927, a 'pioneer of modern geography' -from his Times obituary ]. Lacking the wrappers and with all to page vi detached (in one piece) from the textblock. Title-page somewhat darkened. N° de ref. del artículo ABE-58684
Título: Catalogue of Twenty-Eight Illuminated ...
Editorial: Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, London, illustrated auction catalogue for the sale held on 3rd June, 1919
Año de publicación: 1919
Encuadernación: Encuadernación de tapa blanda
Ejemplar firmado: Firmado por el autor
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