Offered is a signed and inscribed first edition, first (and only) printing of "Cacique: A Historical Novel of Monocracy, Idealism, Oppression and Reverence" (pronounced Ka-see-keh) written by Bernard Bennett and published in 2003 by Panam Associates. Issued in softcover only, the book measures 6" by 9" and contains 270 pages. From the inside page, reading in part, "The work is a forthright account of Mexico's turbulent nineteenth century when, during a period of eleven years, rapacious individuals occupied the office of president thirty-six times" - "It is a hands-on, no-holds-barred portrayal of the extremes between rich and poor, haves and have-nots, the enormous divide in social classes and the never-ending struggle for existence by an enslaved and affable populace. The narrative details in a frank and unexpurgated manner the despotism, opulence, poverty, violence and ongoing lawlessness confronted at every level." Signed and inscribed by author in black ink to blank page preceding title page: "Shirley & Bob: Warm regards, Bernie." In splendid, mint condition. N° de ref. del artículo 007001
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Detalles bibliográficos
Título: Cacique: A Historical Novel of Monocracy, ...
Editorial: Panam Associates, Houston, TX
Año de publicación: 2003
Encuadernación: Soft cover
Condición: As New
Ejemplar firmado: Signed by Author(s)
Edición: 1st Edition