B/w press photo map 21x13cm, with printed caption to the back. Very good. Dated 20 Jul 1987 (870720). In the closing stages of the Iran-Iraq War, this was issued for a news report to show the extent of presence and range of involvement of US and Russian forces. The caption reads "American captains last night boarded two Kuwaiti tankers ready to take them into the Persian Gulf under the American flag and with a US Navy escort. The ships were 20 miles off the United Arab Emirates port of Khor Fakkan, in the Gulf of Oman. As the US moves its awesome task force of ships and fighter aircraft into the Gulf, both the British and French navies have moved back, giving the Americans a 'free range'". This highly strategic map, on a scale of approx 1 inch to 130 miles, centres on the Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. On the Arabian side, it shows the location of Iraqi fighter bases, US forces clearing mines off Kuwait, AWACS along the Saudi coast, the US Task Force of Bahrain and Qatar, safe anchorages at Fujairah, the Omani Navy HQ on Goat Island, British forces off the Musandam Peninsula, the US/UK airbase on Masirah, and USSs Constellation and Missouri off the Oman coast. On the Iranian coast it shows it shows the location of fighter bases, silkworm missiles, Bushehr ("Iranian Naval Port with high-speed gunboats operation by Iranian Revolutionary Guards"), and 4 Russian minesweepers clearing Iranian mines in the outer channel off Kharg Island and Bushire. With inset location map. The following day. This powerful military build-up by the US supported its diplomacy. On 20 July, the UN Security Council passed the US-sponsored Resolution 598 calling for an end to the fighting and a return to pre-war boundaries. N° de ref. del artículo 4769
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