We are dealers over 30 years specialized in antique maps, atlases, decorative prints and antiquarian books. Our retail premises is daily open. We are professional dealers in rare maps, atlases and fine decorative prints. We are a member of the "Verband Deutscher Antiquare" and ILAB (International League of Antiquarian Booksellers). As a member of the ILAB we guarantee our clients the authenticity of the purchased items and provide full professionality in building up and extending their collections.
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Miembro de asociación
Los miembros de estas asociaciones están comprometidos a mantener los estándares más altos. Ellos garantizan la autenticidad de los artículos que ofrecen a la venta. Tienen descripciones expertas y detalladas, seńalan los defectos significativos y/o restauraciones, muestran los precios exactos y llevan a cabo un servicio de imparcialidad y honestidad durante la experiencia de la compra.
Información empresarial del vendedor
Antiquariat Reinhold Berg eK Inh. R.Berg
Condiciones de venta:
All prices are net in Euros and do not include postage.
We accept payments in Euro, US $, British Pound.
American Express Credit Cards, VISA & MasterCard are accepted. Credit Cards can be charged in Euro or USD.
Further bank-drafts can be made in Euro, US$ & GBD. Details on request.
All items are guaranteed originals, published around the date as specified in our description. A more detailed condition report can be always requested by email.
All measur...
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Condiciones de envío:
All items will be sent in the most cases by the following services: Federal Express, GO Express, UPS or by DHL registered mail .
All items are already fully covered by insurance through us, the seller.
The costs for shipments will be added and are not included in the offered prices, unless the seller and the buyer are making different arrangements.
During the COVID19 Pandemic most countries experience significant delays in accepting and delivering regular registered Air Mail packages.
Therefore most of our international shipments will be sent by Federal Express.
We are fully able to ship timely to the United States, but we ship at the moment only by Federal Express to garantee your delivery !
Certain antiquarian books, antique maps (over 200 years old) and antique prints are defined by law as cultural goods.
These items hardly require an export license when sent to destinations outside the European Union, unless:
the item is printed before the year 1500 (even items with low prices, there is a zero price limit for incunabula)
the value of a printed map is more then 15,000 Euro or the value of a book is 50,000 Euro or higher.
There is a additional fee of 25 Euro charged by the German authorities for issuing the license, which we will charge you manually in addition to the offered shipping costs.
If an item, which you have ordered, does require an export license we will notify you, to get your approval for the additional costs and the extra time we need. Normally an export license is granted after two, latest three weeks, depending on the situation.
All items are subject to prior sale and remain the seller's property, pursuant to § 455 BGB, until payment has been received in full. Place of performance and legal venue is Regensburg, Germany.
All items may be returned for any reason within thirty days of receipt, as long they are in the same condition as they were delivered, for a full refund of the purchase price.
Costs for return shipments are to be prepaid by the buyer. All return shipments must be insured by the buyer (unless the seller and the buyer are making different arrangements). As well the buyer will be charged for the arising costs of the shipment to him.
For new customers we reserve us the right to be prepaid by bank draft or credit card payment.
Platform of the EU Commission regarding online dispute resolution: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
Payment terms and discounts for the trade are on request.
Información detallada sobre el vendedor