Antique Paper Company, ASHFORD, KENT, Reino Unido
Calificación del vendedor: 2 de 5 estrellas
Vendedor de AbeBooks desde 26 de septiembre de 2019
1764 - Original Antique Map by Thomas Kitchin titled A NEW MAP OF NORTH RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. Drawn from the Best Authorities by Tho.Kitchin Geogr Engraver to H.R.H. the Duke of York. Fine hand colouring and measuring approx 28cm x 22cm (11in x 8 3/4in) in excellent condition.Thomas Kitchin(orThomas Kitchen(1718andndash;1784)was an English engravedand Cartographer, who became Hydrographerto the king. He was born in Southwarkand was apprenticed to Emanuel Bowenin 1732. Originally based in Clerkenwell, by late 1755 Kitchin was established on HolbornHill. From 1773 Kitchin was royal hydrographer to the king. He married Sarah Bowen, daughter of Emanuel, in 1739, and then Jane, daughter of Joseph Burroughs, in 1762. He died in St Albanson 23 June 1784. Kitchin lived and worked in London until his retirement. Kitchin died in June 1784 and was buried in St Albans Cathedral.Antique Paper Company are a long established family business selling original antique prints, maps engravings as well as many other paper antiques such as original vintage Decorative Posters, Ephemera, Stamps Postal History, Manuscripts, Antiquarian Books much more. We are always looking to buy and have up to andpound;500,000 in immediate funds available. We are looking for exceptional single items, better collections, original archives, Atlases, Libraries, accumulations etc and have previously purchased from Major Institutions, Libraries, Collectors, Solicitors many other sources. We are happy to travel almost anywhere in the world for the right opportunities. So please do get in touch if you are considering selling your Antique Paper collectables. N° de ref. del artículo KCM-50-4356247
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