Boston Book Company, Inc. ABAA, Boston, MA, Estados Unidos de America
Calificación del vendedor: 2 de 5 estrellas
Vendedor de AbeBooks desde 3 de febrero de 1997
FLORUS, Lucius Annaeus. THE ROMAN HISTORY OF LUCIUS JULIUS FLORUS IN 4 BOOKES, MADE ENGLISH. [London:] Sold by Sam'l Speed, [1672]. The second edition of this English translation by John Davies, first published in 1669. This copy lacks the printed title-page but has the engraved title page by Frederick H. Van Hove (1628-1698). Signed: C-S8. 5 1/2 by 3 3/4" (14 x 9.5 cm). [8],230,[20] pp.; the final page is a bookseller's advertisement. Page 143 is incorrectly marked 134. Pages 201-2 have a printer's error; the sheet has a small tear at the bottom edge that was folded over when it was in the press. Occasional light worming at top margin, sometimes affecting the running title but not the text. Cased in contemporary full calf, with black lettering piece on spine that is worn and rubbed. The bookblock is split near the center, after p. 136, with the first part detached from the binding. Bookplate of bibliographer Graham Pollard. It is offered with all faults. N° de ref. del artículo 78068
Año de publicación: 1672
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