Auger Down Books, ABAA/ILAB, Marlboro, VT, Estados Unidos de America
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Vendedor de AbeBooks desde 26 de abril de 2011
A dramatic and unrecorded broadside from the first weeks of the Civil War, calling the citizens of Lebanon to a meeting at the courthouse on Saturday, April 27, 1861, about two weeks after the start of hostilities. "Traitors to this Country," the broadside states, "impelled by a wanton ferocity unparalleled in the annals of civilization, are in arms against the Government. Life and property are in imminent peril. We must prepare to meet the crisis. Every citizen is most vitally interested." It then lists seventy-five citizens who are going to gather "for the purpose of giving expression to the sentiments of the County relative to making an appropriation by the County to aid in support of volunteers." This was recovered inside an issue of Lebanon Advertiser, offered here as well, though the event took place after the issue's publication. A similar meeting took place three days earlier and is described in the paper. A nice graphic example of the fervor of the early weeks of the war in Pennsylvania. Broadside measuring 17 ½ x 12 inches. Creases from original folds else fine, near fine overall. Newspaper about fine. N° de ref. del artículo List1813A
Título: County Meeting! Civil War is Upon Us, and ...
Editorial: Lebanon
Año de publicación: 1861
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