Washington, quarto (11.5 by 8.75 inches). ***CONTENT: These plates were salvaged from a badly damaged copy of Ives' classic "Report upon the Colorado River of the West, explored in 1857 and 1858, &c." Heinrich Balduin Möllhausen (1825-1905) was a German writer, traveler and celebrated artist who participated in three exploring expeditions on the American frontier. The stated purpose of the Ives Expedition was to assess the navigability of the Colorado River, but the report also communicated information on ethnology, geology, botany, zoology, and other scientific disciplines. This set includes 7 striking plates of "Indians" in native attire from several southwestern US tribal nations: Cocopas, Yumas, Chemehuevis, Mojaves, Hualpais, Moquis, and Navajos. The plates were drawn by Möllhausen and lithographed by Sarony, Major and Knapp of New York. An 8th plate, by J.J. Young, taken from a sketch by F.W. Egloffstein, depicts the interior of a Moquis house. The images, with backgrounds of typical southwestern scenery, are most handsome. ***CONDITION: These plates are Fine and near pristine, and are fresh, clean and bright, with bold coloration. They are printed on thick stock, with wide margins. They have not been trimmed, and are very suitable for framing. If you desire other plates from this volume, please advise. International shipping will be extra for this item, but only at my cost. N° de ref. del artículo OG5484
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