Mathijs Lamberigts, Antonia Pizzey, Karim Schelkens (eds). Pages: 348 p. Illustrations:2 b/w, 2 tables b/w. Language(s):English, French. Publication Year:2023. Brepols. ISBN: 978-2-503-60772-6 . Paperback --- SUMMARY This volume is the result of a workshop organized in Leuven within the context of the Australian Catholic University-KU Leuven-Tilburg University project on Vatican II (1962-1965). This volume focuses on the preparatory period of the Council and its broader context, for many renewal movements were underway decades before the Council's opening. The preparation of the Council was also a period of intense consultation of bishops and male superiors of religious orders and congregations. Indeed, John XXIII aimed at introducing an aggiornamento in the Roman Catholic Church, taking into account the wishes and the needs of bishops and superiors. The volume presented here offers new insights about this period on the basis of archives and other materials insufficiently consulted to date. The papers presented are the result of research by both senior scholars and junior researchers. They focus on the following issues: revelation, ecclesiology, ecumenism, and education. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Contributors Introduction Part One: Historiography of Vatican II Chapter One: Historia, quae vitae magistra est (John XXIII): The History of Vatican II between Past and Future of Christian Faith Michael Quisinsky Part Two: Revelation Chapter Two: Some Pre-Conciliar Background to Dei Verbum: The Neo-Scholastic Manuals and Their Implied Models Ormond Rush Chapter Three: Throwing the Faith to Relativism? On Understanding Scripture, Tradition, and Authority in the Long Run to Vatican II Karim Schelkens Chapter Four: Beyond the Scripture Sufficiency Debate: The Contribution of Yves Congar Andrew Meszaros Part Three: Church Chapter Five: The Vota of the Prelates of the Southern Cone Region on Ecclesiology and Laity Sandra Arenas Chapter Six: The Vota of the Episcopate of the Andean Region on Ecclesiology and Laity Rolando Iberico Ruiz Chapter Seven: The Australian Pre-Conciliar Ecclesiological Imagination: Exploring Metaphors of the Church from Vatican I to Vatican II in the Australian Landscape Antonia Pizzey Part Four: Eastern Catholic Churches and Ecumenism Chapter Eight: Le Cardinal Liénart et le Tout Action Catholique Catherine Masson Chapter Nine: The Vota of the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Reform of Eastern Canon Law Jose Maripurath Devassy, Astrid Kaptijn, Peter De Mey Chapter Ten: Universality in Time and Space: The Salvation Historical Turn in Catholic Ecclesiology against the Background of Pre-Conciliar Ecumenism Simon Beentjes Chapter Eleven: The Catholic Conference for Ecumenical Questions: A Representative Summa of Pre-conciliar European Catholic Ecumenism? Saretta Marotta Part Five: Education Chapter Twelve: Religious Education and the Re-Christianization of Western Europe in the Long 1950s: A Missed Opportunity? Stephen G. Parker Chapter Thirteen: Catechesis, Seminary Formation, and Schools on the Threshold of Vatican II: Expectations within the Vota Antepraeparatoria Isaak Deman Chapter Fourteen: De Scholis Catholicis: The Preparation of the Decree on Catholic Schools in the Preparatory Period Mathijs Lamberigts Index of Names. N° de ref. del artículo 02316
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