O. Pavlicek (ed.) 358 p., 2 b/w ill. + 16 colour ill., 14 b/w tables. Brepols, 2021. Languages: English. Hardback - This volume is the first devoted entirely to the production, reception, and transmission of knowledge in the late medieval Prague Faculty of Arts, with important links to several other Faculties of Arts across Europe and treatments of related topics, such as studying the arts in Bohemia in the Jewish milieu. From its foundation in 1348, the University of Prague attracted students as well asscholars from all over Europe to its Faculty of Arts, where they studied and taught the subjects of the curriculum in all their variety. Nevertheless, our knowledge about these Prague scholars and their thought is still rather limited. In an effort to fill this gap, this volume is the first devoted entirely to the production, reception, and transmission of knowledge in the Arts Faculty of the medieval University of Prague, covering topics in astronomy, linguistics, logic, metaphysics, meteorology, and optics. It also links Prague's Faculty of Arts to several others at universities across Europe and it examines the study of the arts in Bohemia outside the university, including the Jewish milieu. The book contributes to advancing the status quaestionis in various ways, mainly through the analysis of less well-known and even unpublished texts, critical editions of some of which are printed here for the first time. Ota Pavlíček (Ph.D. 2014) is a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. His specialisations include the history of the production and transmission of university knowledge in late medieval Europe. Among other books, he has published A Companion to Jan Hus (2015, with F. mahel) and a number of studies. Recently, he was awarded an ERC grant for his project ACADEMIA, which studies the tradition of quodlibetal debates in Arts. Table of Contents List of Contributors List of Abbreviations Ota Pavlíček, Notes on the Prague Faculty of Arts in 1348 1419 Milan onca, Menaḥem ben Jacob Shalem and the Study of Philosophy in Late Medieval Prague Hana edinová, Ut dicit Aristoteles. The Enigmatic Names of Animals in Michael Scot, Thomas of Cantimpré and Claret Krystyna Krauze-Błachowicz, A Prague Thread in the History of Speculative Grammar in late Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century Cracow? Annemieke R. Verboon, Why Animals Cannot Imagine Unseen Things? From the Prague Compendium Parvulus Philosophiae Naturalis to the Cologne Teachings of Lambertus de Monte Petra Mutlová, The Dresden School at Prague University: Peter of Dresden and his De congruitate grammaticali. Appendix I: Critical Edition of Peter of Dresden s De congruitate grammaticali Pavlína Cermanová, The Circulation of the Pseudo-Aristotelian Secretum Secretorum in the Scholarly Centers of the Medieval Czech Lands Monika Mansfeld,Prolegomena to a Study of John of Münsterberg s Commentary on the Metaphysics Appendix I: Tabula quaestionum of John of Münsterberg s Quaestiones in Metaphysicam Harald Berger, Helmold of Zoltwedel ( 1441): His Academic Career, Scientific Works, and Philosophical Alignment. Appendix I: Critical Edition of a Quaestio on the Proving and Disproving of Propositions from Helmold of Zoltwedel s Quaestiones parvorum logicalium Ota Pavlíček & Miroslav Hanke, The Argumenta Sophistica in the Debate between Jerome of Prague and Blasius Lupus. Appendix I: Critical Edition of Blasius Lupus s and Jerome of Prague s Argumenta sophistica. Barbora Kocánová, Was Weather Forecasting Studied in the Medieval Czech Lands? Notes on the Codicological Evidence. Appendix I: Medieval Bohemian Manuscripts with Collections of Texts About Weather Forecasting Luká Lička, Studying and Discussing Optics at the Prague Faculty of Arts: Optical Topics and Authorities in Prague Quodlibets and John of Borotín s Quaestio on Extramission. Appendix I: Borotín s Notes in M. N° de ref. del artículo 033229
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