ROBIN RARE BOOKS at the Midtown Scholar, Harrisburg, PA, Estados Unidos de America
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Sammelband of seven works: Exercitationes ad historiam, I. Arcade Foederis II. Ignis Sacriet Coelestis III. Urim et Thummim IV. Mannae V. Petrae in Deserto VI. Serpentis Aenei, Johannes Buxtorf, Typis Georgii Deckeri, Basilae, 492 pp plus index. Haalma, Matre Immanuelis ad isnignem Prophetiam, Johanne Savberto, Impressit Jacobus Mullerus, Helmaestad. Ad vaticinium Jef. IX, 6,7 Quod agit De Messia, Ejusque Insignibus Qualitatibus et Attributis, Disputatio: Quam Sub Preasidio Johannes Sauberti, Johannes Schroderus, Typis exscripsit Jacobus Mullerus, Helmaestad. Philogematum Sacrorum Trigam, Joanne Sauberto, Johannes Fabricius Altdorffinus, Typis Jacobi Mulleri. Specimen Architecturae Sacrae Tabernaculi Mosaici Vecte Mediano, Frederick Muller, 1664, Ecudebat Friedericus Kargerus, Gissae Hassorum,16 pp. Libri III de Sepulcris Hebraeorum Veterum Ex. S. Scriptura Gen. 23.2.2. Reg.13, Joh. II & Matt. 27 & c. Concinnati & V. Figuris illustrati Accesit Specimen Architecturae, de Tabernaculi Mosaici Vecti Mediano, Friderici Kargeri, Gissae Hassorum, 1666, 38 pp. Libri XI. Statius Romanorum praeciupe De Natura Staturarum, Quibus Prisci Romani been meritos suos honorabant, Friderici Mullers, Grammate Utziano, Gissae, Anno. 1664, 50 pp. In good condition. Ex-library of the Library of the Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge. Vellum is nicely preserved with small areas of splitting to surface, light soiling and small tear to mid-spine. Nicely preserved script on spine. Small area of worming to front gutter. Library of Charles Mason signature on front flyleaf. Each work has been nicely preserved and beautifully bound. Minimal toning and foxing throughout. Free of known marginalia. Binding tight and intact. Small patch of worming to rear paste down that permeates the text slightly. Please see photos. Seven scarce works bound in one sammelband. Johannes Buxtorf II (1599-1664) was the song of the scholar Johannes Buxtorf, and a Protestant Christian Hebraist. He matriculated before the age of thirteen at the University of Basel. Like his father, Buxtorf maintained relations with several learned Jews. Buxtorf was also engaged in the sale of Hebrew books; among his purchasers being the commercial representative of Cardinal Richelieu, Stella de Terry et Morimont and Johann Heinrich Hottinger. Johannes Saubert the Younger (1638-1688) was a Lutheran theologian and orientalist. Friedrich Muller s (1630-1667) works presented are particularly scarce and unusual. He is known for his books on comets as well!. N° de ref. del artículo RAREE1659MTVL
Título: Sammelband on Hebrew Old Testament & Roman ...
Editorial: Various
Año de publicación: 1659
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Condición: Good
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