Immagini della vita e dei tempi di Alessandro Manzoni raccolte e illustrate da Marino Parenti [La Stampa di quest'opera fu personalmente curata dall'autore presso le officine della S. A. Grafitalia, già Pizzi e Pizio in Milano, fra il giugno e il novembre del Millenovecentoquarantadue XX-XXI. Centocinquanta copie, numerate in macchina, constituiscono l'edizione originale] Images of the life and times of Alessandro Manzoni collected and illustrated by Marino Parenti [The Print of this work was personally supervised by the author at the workshop of S. A. Grafitalia already Pizzi and Pizio in Milan, between June and November Millenovecentoquarantadue XX-XXI. One hundred and fifty copies, numbered in the car, constitute the original edition]
Parenti, Marino [Alessandro Francesco Tommaso Manzoni (7 March 1785 - 22 May 1873) was an Italian poet and novelist. He is famous for the novel The Betrothed (original Italian: I Promessi Sposi) (1840), generally ranked among the masterpieces of world literature. The novel is also a symbol of the Italian Risorgimento, both for its patriotic message and because it was a fundamental milestone in the development of the modern, unified Italian language].
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