H. Lea, London, 1858. Dodd, George (1801-81). Dodd's Curiosities of Industry. London: H. Lea, 1858 Original blind-stamped tan cloth, paper title and contents label, 5.5"x8.5". A collection of papers on various British industries, originally issued separately, intended as a supplement to the Cyclopaedia of the Industry of All Nations published by Charles Knight in 1851. The article on "Calculating and registering machines" contains an account of Babbage's Difference Engine no. 1 and a brief notice of the Analytical Engine. Blank endpaper with previous owner's name and date (January 23 1860). Pages clean, binding holding throughout though loosening in places. Further photos available on request. CONTENTS: Glass and it Manufacture Iron and its Manufacture Wood and its Application Calculating and Registering Machines India Rubber and Gutta Percha Industrial Applications of Electricity Gold: in the Mint, Mine, and Workshop Paper: its Applications, and its Novelties Printing: its Modern Varieties Cotton and Flax: a Contrast Corn & Bread: what they Owe to Machinery A Ship in the Nineteenth Century Fire and Light: Contrivances for their Production Wool and Silk, Fur and Feathers The Chemistry of Manufactures Steam-Power and Water-Power. N° de ref. del artículo 000123
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