Milestones of Science Books, Ritterhude, Alemania
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Analysis per Quantitatum Series, Fluxiones ac Differentias cum enumeratione Linearum tertii ordinis. [bound after] Philosophia naturalis principia mathematica. Auctore Isaaco Newtono, Equite Aurato. Editio Ultima. Cui accedit. Amstalodami: Sumptibus Societatis, 1723. 4to (248 x 193 mm); 2 parts in 1 volume, [26], 484, [8]; [12], 107, [1] pp. Title pages with vignettes (of the first part printed in red and black), 3 engraved folding plates, many tables in the text. Contemporary full leather, spined with gilt morocco label and 5 raised bands richly gilt in compartments (hinges strengthened, upper and lower spine repaired, extremities worn, corners bumped), red-dyed edges, marbled endpapers. Internally only little browned, very minor occasional spotting and soiling. Very good, internally fresh and wide margined copy of a rare edition. ---- Gray 12; Wallis 12, Sotheran, Second Supplement I, 5672. - The reprint of the second Amsterdam edition and the only one containing (with a separate title and separate pagination) the Quantitatum Analysis Series. The second edition was edited by Roger Cotes and brought out with the assistance of Richard Bentley, Master of Trinity College, with a new preface by Cotes: "In his important preface, Cotes attacks the Cartesian philosophy, then still in vogue in the universities, and refutes an assertion that Newton's theory of attraction is a causa occulta." The second edition also contains a revised conclusion, "a second preface by Newton and considerable additions, the chapters on the lunar theory and the theory of comets being much enlarged" (Babson). This Amsterdam reprint corrects a few errors made in the printing of the second edition and precedes the third edition by twelve years.- Visit our website to see more images!. N° de ref. del artículo 001941
Título: Analysis per Quantitatum Series, Fluxiones ...
Editorial: Sumptibus Societatis, Amsterdam
Año de publicación: 1723
Encuadernación: Hardcover
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