Antique Paper Company, ASHFORD, KENT, Reino Unido
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Vendedor de AbeBooks desde 26 de septiembre de 2019
1757 -This first edition, hand-colored botanical engraving is from John HillsEden: Or, a Compleat Body of Gardening, containing plain and familiar directions for raising the several useful products of a garden. compiled and digested from the papers of the late celebrated Mr. Hale, by the authors of the compleat body of husbandry. And comprehending the art of constructing a garden for use and pleasure; the best methods of keeping it in order: and the most perfect accounts of its several products. The work was published in London by T. Osborne in 1757. The work was attributed to John Hill, but perhaps by Thomas Hale.OVAL LEAVD CLEMATIS-ALOPECUROIDE ASTRAGALUS-ORIENTAL BETONY-LACINIATED RUDBECKIA-SIBERIAN LARKSPUR-MANY SPIKED VERONICA. Plate 47.The work was issued in 60 weekly parts between August 1756 and October 1757, and was available with plates uncoloured or coloured. The present example is truly exceptional: it is among the best contemporary coloured examples that we have seen. The plates are coloured by an assured and highly-talented hand, using a strong palate, and show oxidisation of the pigments which is a reliable indicator of early colouring. The work, intended as a companion to the Compleat Body of Husbandry (London, 1756), was designed along very unusual lines for the period: each weekly part includes information on what should be done in the garden during the following week together with descriptions of the plants that should be at their peak at that time. In the introduction, the authors intentions are made plain: We shall treat Gardens from their Origin, Design, and first Construction, to raising them to Perfection, and keeping them in that condition; and we shall consider, in our Course, their Products, whether of Use, Curiosity, or Beauty. These we shall describe in their several Seasons, suiting our Publications to the Time of their Appearance. Henrey writes of Sir John Hill that Not only was . [he] industrious and energetic, but his writings show him to have been a man of real ability and genius.Condition is very fine. Size approx 25.5cm x 42.5cm (10.03in x 16.73in) including margins.Antique Paper Company are a long established family business selling original antique prints, maps engravings as well as many other paper antiques such as original vintage Decorative Posters, Ephemera, Stamps Postal History, Manuscripts, Antiquarian Books much more. We are always looking to buy and have up to andpound;500,000 in immediate funds available. We are looking for exceptional single items, better collections, original archives, Atlases, Libraries, accumulations etc and have previously purchased from Major Institutions, Libraries, Collectors, Solicitors many other sources. We are happy to travel almost anywhere in the world for the right opportunities. So please do get in touch if you are considering selling your Antique Paper collectables. N° de ref. del artículo EG3-4987737
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