Via Mario Menichini 54
ROMA, Italy 00135

Librería en AbeBooks desde 25 de abril de 2017

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Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

Sobre este vendedor

Información detallada sobre el vendedor

Valore Italiano Editore is a publishing house which mainly deals with issues regarding education and professional training.

Buscar en: VALORE ITALIANO srl

Condiciones de venta

Terms & Conditions of Sale

  1. Subject
    1.1 The present document ("Agreement"), concluded in accordance with the following par. 2 by Valore Italiano? srl, society owner of Lilamé and,, with its registered office in Rome, Via Mario Menichini 54, concernes the supply of paper and digital publishing products ("Products") as reported on Lilamé website (Lilamé from now on). The products supply will cover a specific time and consist of specific methods chosen, for each selected item on Lila...
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Condiciones de envío

Delivery times
Delivery times may vary and depend on your order destination. Our expected delivery date, based on the destination address and the shipping options you have chosen, is generally calculated in 5-15 business days. Every shipment gets a code-number that allows you and our organization to track the package until its delivery.