Offered is the November 1941 (Vol. 9 No. 1 - although incorrectly printed as Vol. 8) issue of "Social Work Today," a journal, as described, "of progressive social work, thought and action." Edited by Frank C. Bancroft and published by Social Work Today, Inc. out of New York City. A magazine measuring 7-1/4" by 9-7/8" and containing 36 pages including front and rear covers. Articles include: Let's Face Facts This Time by Albert Deutsch ("Some plain speaking about the big job of social workers in today's crisis and a call to help defeat Hitlerism on two fronts"); God Made Oklahoma Rich [Part I] by Elizabeth Zeleny Green (with her photo: "During the last year and a half, the State of Oklahoma has become known throughout the nation as the scene of the most flagrant violations of civil liberties in America. Members of Jehovah's Witnesses have been beaten up, run out of town, and jailed throughout the state by bands of self-styled 'patriots.' A professor in a State college was dismissed for urging his Congressman to vote against the Draft Bill. A public book burning was advertised over the radio and staged in the tabernacle of one Dr. Webber, rumored to be connected with the organization known as the Silver Shirts. And finally four alleged Communists have been sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years, while eight others still face trial - not for anything they ever said or did, but solely on the basic of books in their possession - books on the shelves of every large library in America"); USO [United Service Organizations] - A Cooperative Venture by Louis Kraft, Executive Director, National Jewish Welfare Board; poem "What About Me (Negro")" by Naomi Burgum ("an eleven-year-old daughter of a New York social worker"). In worn, soiled covers. N° de ref. del artículo 014755
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