THREE VOLUMES IN ONE The Picturesque Beauties of Great Britain: Illustrated by Topographical, Historical, and Critical Notices; Combining every Interesting Object, Ancient and Modern. From an Elaborate Survey, and Original Designs Taken Upon the Spot. Kent BOUND WITH Wales Illustrated, in a Series of Views, Comprising the Picturesque Scenery, Towns, Castles, Seats of the Nobility & Gentry, Antiquities, &c.; Engraved in steel from original drawings by Henry Gastineau. Accompanied by Historical and Topographical Descriptions. BOUND WITH Jones' Views of the Seats, Mansions, Castles, &c. of Noblemen and Gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, and Other Picturesque Scenery Accompanied With Historical Desc

George C. VIRTUE, (1794-1868) Henry Gastineau John Preston Neale

Editorial: London: George Virtue, 1828 London: Jones & Co. Temple of the Muses, 1830 London: Jones & Co. Temple of the Muses, 1829, 1828
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