Leaves are 11 1/2 x 9 inches, pp. (121-169; newly stab-sewn, some sections with dark foxing. Removed from The Documentary History of the State of New-York, Vol. I., by E. B. O'Callaghan; Albany, 1850. The report contains Extract from the King's Instructions to the Marquis de Denonville, March 10, 1685; Father Lamberville to Gov. Dongan; Memoir concerning the Present State of Canada and the Measures that may be Adopted for the Security of the Country, 12 November 1685; several letters between M de Denonville and Gov. Dungan; M. de Denonville's Memoir on the Present State of Affairs in Canada and the Necessity of making War next year on the Iroquois; Memoir of the Marquis of Seignelay regarding the Dangers that threaten Canada, the Means of remedying them, and of firmly establishing Religion, Commerce, and the King's Power in North America. January 1687; additional letters between the principal actors; M. De Denonville to the Minister - Attack on the Senecas, Erection of Fort Niagara [describes the cannibalism of the Senecas]; Acte of taking Possession of the Country of the Iroquois, called Senecas, 19 July 1687; Taking Possession of Niagara by Monsieur de Denonville; Information given by severall Indians to the Governor, at Albany, 6 Aug. 1687; Examination of Indian Prisoners; additional letters; Condition in which Fort Niagara was left in 1688. N° de ref. del artículo 9498
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Detalles bibliográficos
Título: Papers relating to M. de Denonville's ...
Editorial: Weed, Parsons & Co., Public Printers, Albany
Año de publicación: 1850
Encuadernación: Stab-sewn
Condición: Good
Edición: First Edition.