1876 and 1877 Two Special Maps of Middle Eastern Sudan Primarily Based on E. de Pruyssenaere's Astronomical and Trigonometric Measurements with the Use of All Known and Many Still Unreleased Surveys. Edited by K. Zoeppritz. Also, on the northern map 4 insets: 1) Mountain Group Roro & Gemmam. 2) The Northern Gebal el Fung. After Survey by Barnim, Hartmann, de Pruyssenaere, Marno. 3) Gebel Gule. Surveyed by A. von Barnim. 4) The White Nile between 6 & 10 North Latitude and the Lower Sobat on the Basis of the Astronomical Observations of Speke, S.W. Baker, Petherick, Pruyssenaere, J.A. Baker and the River Surveys of Werne, Lejean, Heuglin, Steudner, Marno drawn by K. Zoeppritz.

Zoeppritz, K.

Editorial: Justus Perthes, Gotha, 1876
Idioma: Alemán
Mapa Condición: Very Good

Librería: Independent Books, Long Beach, WA, Estados Unidos de America

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