Approximate Image Size: 5 X 7 1/2 inches Approximate Overall Size: 8 X 10 1/2 inchesBrilliant color print.Printed and engraved by by B. Fawcett, Driffield.This beautiful attractive colour plate originates from and is one of a Series of Picturesque Views of Seats of The Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britian and Ireland as presented by F. O. Morris. A greater proportion of the drawings which originated from the publication were by Alexander F. Lydon, and printed from coloured wood-blocks using the Baxter process by Benjamin Fawcett.Published by William Mackenzie, Ludgate Hill, Edinburgh and DublinCONDITION: Very Good Condition. The colors are brilliant, rich and bright. Reverse side is blank and printed on heavier quality paper.From the old descriptive: KIRTLING TOWER NEAR NEWMARKET, CAMBRIDGESHIRE. - BARONESS NORTH. - Kirtling Tower was built about the time of Henry the Sixth. It stood on the site of an old Saxon castle, and tradition says that it was the last castle in which King Harold slept on his way from the north ot meet the invasion of William of Normandy. - Princess Elizabeth, afterwards Queen, was a state prisoner at Kirtling, under the charge of Edward, first Lord North. - The tower is all that now remains of the old hall, which was pulled down in 1801-02, by Georg, third Earl of Guilford and ninth Baron North. Nearly all the pictures of the North family were removed to Wroxton Abbey near Banbury, another seat of the the family.A copy of the circa 1870s descriptive, which covers some wonderful landscape history and some genealogy information will be We do have more than 1 in stock of some of these so the image shown may be a stock photo, so please do contact us with any concerns about condition. We will also let you know if there's any major defect before shipping. ALSO AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT HIGH DPI RESOLUTION, PLEASE EMAIL FOR INFO. . Some of the names mentioned are: EDWARD NORTH, AFTERWARDS KNIGHTED - SIR ROGER NORTH - DUDLEY NORTH - CHARLES NORTH - WILLIAM NORTH - FRANCIS NORTH - FREDERICK NORTH - GEORGE AUGUSTUS NORTH - LADY SUSAN NORTH - LADY GEORGIANA NORTH - BARONESS NORTH - WILLIAM HENRY HOHN NORTH - WILLIAM FREDERICK JOHN NORTH. N° de ref. del artículo 6008
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