1858 Japanese Samurai Ninja Yokai Battle Hokusetsu Utagawa Illustrated Naruto An interesting Meiji woodblock-print of the classic novel Hokusetsu Bidan Jidai Kagami, which was serialized from the Edo period for 30 years with 48 volumes written in Hiragana drawn by Utagawa Kunisada II and intended for a popular audience. Hokusetsu Bidan Jidai Kagami, became a major influence for all modern ninja stories in modern day being adapted into theater, movie, video games, and manga, most notable the manga Naruto. This rare edition is written in a column handwritten format. This edition contains excellent illustrations throughout of different scenes from Hokusetsu of samurai, battles, courtesans, ninja, flying yokai, monks, and more! Item number: #16693 Price: $499 TANEKAZU, Ryukatei (Uplifting Tale of Northern Snows, Mirror of the Ages) (Hokusetsu bidan Jidai Kagami) [Edo: Ansei 5 1858] Details: Collation: Complete with all pages; 2 volumes in 1 References: Iwanami, Kokusho So Mokuroku 239463; Waseda University # J081 0002 002:08 Keio University, Japanese Culture Through Rare Books Language: Japanese Binding: Softcover; tight and secure Size: ~7in X 4.5in (18cm x 11.5cm) Our Guarantee: Very Fast. Very Safe. Free Shipping Worldwide. Customer satisfaction is our priority! Notify us with 7 days of receiving, and we will offer a full refund without reservation! 16693 Photos available upon request. N° de ref. del artículo 16693
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