Pages: iv + 274 p. Language(s):English. Publication Year:2018. Brepols. ISBN: 978-0-88844-681-7. Paperback -- SUMMARY Mediaeval Studies is the annual journal published by the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. It was established in 1939 and from the outset its purpose has been the publication of research on the Middle Ages by scholars throughout the world, particularly research involving unedited manuscript and archival material. Most volumes are divided into three sections: Texts includes extensive editions with substantial introductions; Articles includes studies based on unedited or edited documents and texts and also includes studies of other monuments of medieval culture; Mediaevalia consists of notices or short articles on specific documents or topics. Mediaeval Studies est la revue annuelle publiée par le Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. Elle a été créée en 1939 et dès le départ son but était de publier les recherches sur le Moyen Âge fournies par des chercheurs du monde entier, en particulier la recherche impliquant des manuscrits inédits et des matériaux d archives. La plupart des volumes sont divisés en trois sections : la section Textes comprend des éditions approfondies avec des introductions substantielles; la section Articles comprend des études basées sur des documents et des textes non édités ou édités, ou sur d autres monuments de la culture médiévale; Mediaevalia consiste en des notices ou de courts articles sur des documents ou des sujets spécifiques. TABLE OF CONTENTS Texts Claude Lafleur & David Piché with the collaboration of Joanne Carrier, The Questiones ante litteram de uniuersalibus of the Commentary on the Isagoge Attributed (?) to John Pagus: Science and Universal in the Prologue of the Commentary Siegfried Wenzel, The Popularity of Robert Holcot s Sermons: Dic ut lapides isti panes fiant Articles Jaume Mensa I Valls, The Interpretatio de visionibus in somniis by Arnau de Vilanova (Barcelona, Arxiu de la Corona d Aragó, Casa Reial 1): Origin, Circumstances, and History of the Text Uwe Michael Lang, Votive Masses of the Holy Face of Christ in Early Printed Diocesan Missals Ian Stone, Connections and Collaborations between Centres of Historical Writing in Thirteenth-Century London and Southwark David R. Carlson, The Renunciation and Protestation of Richard II and Henry IV in 1399: Textual Genesis and Radiation. N° de ref. del artículo 02451
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