Long Brothers Fine & Rare Books, ABAA

400 Occidental Ave. S.
Seattle, WA, U.S.A. 98104

Librería en AbeBooks desde 1 de mayo de 2020

Valoración del vendedor:

Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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Sobre este vendedor

Información detallada sobre el vendedor

Long Brothers Fine and Rare Books was established in 1996 as a natural progression of proprietor Jeffrey Long's historical and bibliophilic interests. Located in Seattle, we are proud members of the ABAA and ILAB and faithfully adhere to their high standards of integrity and service. Those ordering directly on our website receive free domestic shipping via USPS Media Mail: www.longbrosbooks.com We are located in downtown Seattle's historic Pioneer Square neighborhood.

Buscar en: Long Brothers Fine & Rare Books, ABAA

Miembro de asociación

Los miembros de estas asociaciones están comprometidos a mantener los estándares más altos. Ellos garantizan la autenticidad de los artículos que ofrecen a la venta. Tienen descripciones expertas y detalladas, señalan los defectos significativos y/o restauraciones, muestran los precios exactos y llevan a cabo un servicio de imparcialidad y honestidad durante la experiencia de la compra.
Catálogos del vendedor

Condiciones de venta

Orders from residents of Washington State subject to 9.5% sales tax.

All books are packed and shipped within 24 hours of receipt of order. Every book is professionally packaged in a heavy cardboard box and shipped via US Postal Service, fully insured. Shipping rates are $3.50 per book; an additional $1 for every book thereafter. Sets and oversized volumes might require additional postage ? indication of such will be noted in the book description. Those orders ship at cost, as do international or...

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Condiciones de envío

Domestic US orders priced at $3.50 per order. All books shipped well-packed in heavy cardboard boxes. Insurance included. International shipping expense is at cost, to be offered prior as a condition of sale -- buyer may choose to decline transaction if international shipping is too expensive, once that's determined.