The H-T-P, a Projective Device and a Measure of Adult Intelligence

John W. Buck

Editorial: No place of publication, or date, 1947
Usado / Soft cover / Cantidad disponible: 0
Librería: JF Ptak Science Books (Hendersonville, NC, Estados Unidos de America)
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"The H-T-P, a Projective Device and a Measure of Adult Intelligence." No place of publication, "copyright 1947". This is one of the copyright deposit copies for this work, one of which was sent to cataloging at the Library of Congress--included are two (damaged) LC carbon copy catalog cards. 28x21cm, 94pp, plus 5pp. Offset printed, looseleaf-bound in a manila folder with a metal clasp. There is no mention of a 1947 imprint in WorldCat/OCLC nor anything in this format for the published versions that appeared in the following year. Obviously this work was that which appeared in 1947--this being the copy the author sent to secure copyright. **Provenance: the Library of Congress, with their "Surplus Duplicate" stamp on the title page. The H-T-P evaluation designed by Mr. Buck was meant to be a qualititative analysis of the mental abilities of people based on the type of art work they produced in creating a house, and tree, and person. There was supposed to be insight into the person's ability depending on the detail and manner in which each one of these three were presented. At the time Mr. Buck was the Chief Psychologist at the Lynchburg State Colony (at Colony, Virginia) The Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded opened in 1910 as the Virginia State Colony for Epileptics, the name changed to Lynchburg State Colony in 1940, and then Lynchburg Training School and Hospital in 1954, and then finally as the Central Virginia Training Center in 1983. (The Colony was evidently notorious for its role housing Emma and Carrie Buck, whose legal case went to the Supreme Court in Buck v. Bell 274 U.S. 200 where it was found that sterilizing the "feeble-minded" Ms. Buck was not unconstitutional. "The Virginia statute providing for the sexual sterilization of inmates of institutions supported by the State who shall be found to be afflicted with an hereditary form of insanity or imbecility, is within the power of the State under the Fourteenth Amendment"-- (I cannot determine a relationship between these Bucks and Mr John Buck.)) The work has a brief description of the development of the H-T-P, followed by a description of the scoring system and administration of the test, and then followed by a qualitative analysis of the drawings, at the end of which is a sample case record. **The House Tree Person Drawings: "The House-Tree-Person (H-T-P) projective technique developed by John Buck was originally an outgrowth of the Goodenough scale utilized to assess intellectual functioning. Buck felt artistic creativity represented a stream of personality characteristics that flowed onto graphic art. He believed that through drawings, subjects objectified unconscious difficulties by sketching the inner image of primary process. Since it was assumed that the content and quality of the H-T-P was not attributable to the stimulus itself, he believed it had to be rooted in the individual s basic personality. Since the H-T-P was an outcropping of an intelligence test, Buck developed a quantitative scoring system to appraise gross classification levels of intelligence along with at qualitative interpretive analysis to appraise global personality characteristics"--Wiki **On Mr. Buck: "A posthumous biographical profile is presented of John N. Buck, an early clinical psychologist who gained national recognition for his diverse contributions to the field. In addition to developing the House-Tree-Person (H-T-P) Projective Technique and an array of other psychological inventories, he was instrumental in establishing clinical psychology in Virginia. Buck served on the first Examining Board for Certification of Clinical Psychologists in Virginia (and the nation) and was later its chairman. He published his research in peer-reviewed journals and presented guest lectures at respected universities. These professional achievements were quite remarkable in light of the fact th. N° de ref. del artículo ABE-1469288074664

Detalles bibliográficos

Título: The H-T-P, a Projective Device and a Measure...
Editorial: No place of publication, or date
Año de publicación: 1947
Encuadernación: Soft cover
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