Greggzart Collectibles

Greggzart Collectibles

1008 Prospect Ave NE
Olympia, WA, U.S.A. 98506

Calificación del vendedor: 5 de 5 estrellas Valoración 5 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

Librería en AbeBooks desde 21 de abril de 2024

Sobre este vendedor

Información detallada sobre el vendedor

I have a large collection of books inherited and collected over many decades. It includes antiquities, rare first editions and many modern first editions. I will always offer reasonable deals and I pride myself on having excellent customer service. I guarantee every sale!

Buscar en: Greggzart Collectibles

Catálogos del vendedor

100 or More Years Ago!

Every book in this catalog is at least 100 years old. Oldies but goodies!
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Condiciones de venta

I will strive to provide the most complete and accurate information about each book. If you find you are dissatisfied with any sale, I will make sure you get a full refund, because I know if I take care of my customers they will take care of me! Email me if you require more photos of a particular book & I'll send them right away! Also, if you are an actual bookstore and would like a trade discount in order to re-sell, I will give you 20% off.

Condiciones de envío

I'm an independant bookseller, so your orders will most likely be shipped within hours of my receiving your order! I will be using my own shipping boxes with bubble wrap sleeves. Shipping costs are calculated by AbeBooks. If you purchase an oversized or significantly heavy book, there might be a slight additional fee, which will simply cover the added expense.