M. Studer-Karlen, I. Foletti, A. Palladino, E. Gedevanishvili, I. Giviashvili, N. Chitishvili, T. Kaffenberger, I. Mamasakhlisi (eds.) 189 p. Brepols, 2021. Languages: English. Paperback - able of Contents Introduction: Manuela Studer-Karlen, Georgia as a Bridge between Cultures: Dynamics of Artistic Exchange (introduction to A. Palladino s translation of H. Belting) Ivan Foletti, Belting from Belting. From Moscow to Constantinople, and to Georgia (translation of H. Belting s article) Adrien Palladino, The Painter Manuel Eugenikos from Constantinople in Georgia, translated from Hans Belting Articles: Ekaterine Gedevanishvili, The Khakhuli Dome Decoration Irene Giviashvili, Liturgy and Architecture: Constantinopolitan Rite and Changes in the Architectural Planning of Georgian Churches Nato Chitishvili, Altars in Medieval Georgian Churches: Preliminary Notes on their Arrangement, Decoration, and the Rite of Consecration Thomas Kaffenberger, Liminal Spaces of Memory, Devotion, and Feasting? Porch-Chapels in Eleventh-Century Georgia Manuela Studer-Karlen, The Monastery of the Transfiguration in Zarzma: At the Intersection of Biblical Narration and Liturgical Relevance Irma Mamasakhlisi, The Theme of the Last Judgment in Medieval Georgian Art (Tenth Thirteenth Centuries). N° de ref. del artículo 033260
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