This thesis describes research into the mode of function, inhibition, and evolution of the ribosomal catalytic center, the Peptidyl Transferase Center (PTC)--research that has already led to attempts at improving PTC antibiotics. The PhD candidate carried out two parallel studies. One using a combination of X-ray crystallography, biochemistry, molecular biology, and theoretical studies to obtain crystal structures of ribosomal particles with antibiotics that target the PTC, revealing the modes of action, resistance, cross-resistance and discrimination between ribosomes of eubacterial pathogens and eukaryotic hosts. In the second parallel study, the candidate synthesized a ribosomal substructure--one that may represent the minimal entity capable of catalyzing peptide bond formation--shedding light on the origin of the ribosome itself.
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Buch. Condición: Neu. This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -This thesis describes research into the mode of function, inhibition, and evolution of the ribosomal catalytic center, the Peptidyl Transferase Center (PTC)--research that has already led to attempts at improving PTC antibiotics. The PhD candidate carried out two parallel studies. One using a combination of X-ray crystallography, biochemistry, molecular biology, and theoretical studies to obtain crystal structures of ribosomal particles with antibiotics that target the PTC, revealing the modes of action, resistance, cross-resistance and discrimination between ribosomes of eubacterial pathogens and eukaryotic hosts. In the second parallel study, the candidate synthesized a ribosomal substructure--one that may represent the minimal entity capable of catalyzing peptide bond formation--shedding light on the origin of the ribosome itself. 88 pp. Englisch. Nº de ref. del artículo: 9783642169304
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Hardcover. Condición: Brand New. 1st edition. 74 pages. 9.25x6.25x0.25 inches. In Stock. Nº de ref. del artículo: x-3642169309
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Librería: Biblios, Frankfurt am main, HESSE, Alemania
Condición: New. PRINT ON DEMAND pp. xiv + 74. Nº de ref. del artículo: 182416116
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