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Business Miscellany (The Economist) - Tapa dura

  • 3,14
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9781861979117: Business Miscellany (The Economist)
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Reseña del editor:
Everything you could possibly want to know about business - and a lot more. Full of facts and figures about all aspects of business, The Economist Business Miscellany is designed to inform, amuse and give you plenty with which to entertain others. Here is just a taste of what is included: Biggest mergers and biggest corporate failures... Memorable mission and vision statements... How many accountants and lawyers there are in different countries... How the names of different companies came about... Famous advertising campaigns and famous PR disasters... Biggest business philanthropists and famous business villains... Best know business gurus and what they are known for ... Most appalling business jargon... Rules of business etiquette in different parts of the world... Most valuable brands and most unsuccessful rebrandings... Salaries compared across countries... Most popular fringe benefits... Stockmarket bubbles and crashes... Investment formulas... And lots and lots of statistics on business and the markets.
Reseña del editor:
Full of facts and figures about all aspects of business, "The Economist Business Miscellany" is designed to inform, amuse, and provide plenty with which to entertain others. The magazine's contributors and researchers clearly had a lot of fun putting this together and readers will share in that fun.

"Sobre este título" puede pertenecer a otra edición de este libro.

  • EditorialEconomist Books
  • Año de publicación2005
  • ISBN 10 1861979118
  • ISBN 13 9781861979117
  • EncuadernaciónTapa dura
  • Número de páginas240
  • Valoración
    • 3,14
      14 calificaciones proporcionadas por Goodreads

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The Economist
Publicado por Bloomberg Press, London, 2005
ISBN 10: 1861979118 ISBN 13: 9781861979117
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Cantidad disponible: 1 disponibles

TAPA DURA. Condición: New. Nº de ref. del artículo: 100753067

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