Very good clean copy.
"Sinopsis" puede pertenecer a otra edición de este libro.
This guide to consumer protection law discusses how criminal and civil law, as well as self-regulation by the industry, provide protection for purchasers of goods and services. Radical changes in the control of unfair contract terms have been made as a result of the implementation of the European Directive on Unfair Contract Terms, and these changes are discussed. Coverage includes: an introduction to consumer law; the replacement of "merchantability" by "satisfactory quality" by the Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994. Clarification of the buyer's right to reject defective goods and get money back; a replacement part 1A relating to Scotland for the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 providing implied statutory terms in contract of hire, barter and so on; new law controlling unfair contract terms and introduced to implement the EC's Directive; the development of ADR as a means of redress for consumers; and the European dimension.
"Sobre este título" puede pertenecer a otra edición de este libro.
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