12th printing ; xvi, 405 pp. ; 26 cm. ; OCLC: 9383185 ; LC: PK669 ; blue cloth with gold lettering ; name on front ep ; Contents: Part I. -- A. From the Maha-bharata. -- I. The story of Nala and Damayanti -- B. From the Hitopadega. -- II. Preface and introduction -- III. The old tiger and the traveller -- IV. The deer and the crow, and the jackal -- V. The blind vulture, the birdlings, and the cat -- VI. The ass, the dog, and the thief -- VII. The lion, the mouse, and the cat -- VIII. The crows and the serpent -- IX. The lion, the old hare, and the well -- X. The birds and the apes -- XI. The ass in the tiger-skin -- XII. The elephant, the hares, and the moon -- XIII. The blue jackal -- XIV. The two geese and the tortoise -- XV. The three fishes -- XVI. The herons, the serpent, and the ichneumons -- XVII. The hermit, and the mouse that was changed to a tiger -- XVIII. The heron, the fishes, and the crab -- XIX. The Brahman and his jar -- XX. The Brahman with the goat, and the three rogues -- XXI. The Brahman and his faithful ichneumon -- XXII From the Katha-sarit-sagara -- XXII. Xing Putraka and the seven-league boots -- XXIII. Story of Mousey, the thrifty merchant -- XXIV. King Qibi, the falcon, and the dove -- XXV. Story of Ahalya -- XXVI. The king who didn't know his Sanskrit grammar -- XXVII. The pathetic history of the stories -- XXVIII. D. From the Manavadharmacaatra.-- a. The creation -- b. The four ages of the world -- c. The Brahman's life -- d. The transmigration of souls -- XXIX. Riddle -- XXX. Riddle -- E. From the Rigveda. -- XXI. L 1 Hymn to Agni, the Fire-god -- XXXII. L 82 Indra slays the dragon -- XXXIII. -- To Sorya, the Sun-god -- XXXIV. To Agni -- XXXV. L 165 Indra and the Maruts -- XXXVL iii. To Savitar -- XXXVII. iv. Indra contests the supremacy of Varuna -- XXXVIII. To Ushas, the Dawn-goddess -- XXXIX. To Agni -- XL. T. 40 Indra and Atri, and the Sun eclipsed by the demon . -- XLI. vii. Magic spells to produce sleep -- XLIL vii. To the Maruts or gods of the storm-winds -- XLIII. vii. 86 To Varuna -- XLIV. vii. 88 To Varuna XLV. vii. 89 To Varuna -- XLVI. viii. 14 To Indra. - Indra and Namuchi -- XL VII. viii. 85 Indra and the Maruts, and Vritra -- XLVIII. viii. 91 To Agni -- XLIX. X. 9 To the "Waters" L. x. 14 Funeral-hymn -- LI. x. 16 Funeral-hymn -- LII. x. 17 Funeral-hymn -- LIII x. 18 Funeral-hymn -- I. IV. x. 33 The aged priest to the young prince -- LV. x. 40 Wedding-stanza -- LVI. x. 52 The gods install Agni as oblation-bearer -- LVII. x. 53 Burial and wedding-stanzas -- LVIII. x. 85 The wedding-hymn -- LIX X. 137 Exorcism for a sick person -- LX. X. 154 To Varna. - Funeral-hymn -- LXI. x. 155 Burial-stanza -- LXII. From the Maitrayana -- LXIII. Hiranya-garbha.- The god Kaor -- LXIIIa. Legend of Yama and Yami. - The creation of night -- LXIV. Legend of the winged mountains -- LXV. The potency of the sacrifice -- LXVI. Other Brahmana-pieces. LXVII. Legend of Agni the oblation-bearer, and of the fish -- LXVIII. Legend of Indra and the Maruts, and Vritra -- LXVIIIa. Legend of Indra and the god Ka or Who -- LXIX. The two kinds of deities, the gods and the Brahmans -- LXX. Truth, untruth, and silence -- LXXI. How the gods got immortality and how Death got his share -- LXXII. Legend'of Indra and Nainuchi -- LXXIII. Nirukta on RV. i.32.10, selection xxvii H. From the Grihya-sutras. -- LXXIV. Wedding-customs and the wedding-service -- LXXV. The customs and ritual of cremation and burial -- Part II. -- Vocabulary -- Explanations and abbreviations. -- List of abbreviations -- Part III. Notes. ; front hinge shaken, starting ; foxing ; FAIR. N° de ref. del artículo 3926
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Detalles bibliográficos
Título: A Sanskrit reader : text & vocabulary & ...
Editorial: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1947, 1884.
Año de publicación: 1984
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Condición: Fair
Edición: 1st Edition
Tipo de libro: Book