"Thirteenth Impression" stated to copyright page, and DJ front panel agrees "Thirteenth Printing." NOT price-clipped; original $3.95 price showing. Someone has used a "Magic Marker" to black our four words in blue ballpoint to top of FFE. Bottom edges considerably shelf-worn but interior text block clean & very nice. This copy bears the hand-written name "Harper Lee" to title page. (PLEASE READ FOLLOWING PROVENANCE:) This book belonged to Edna L. Bowling, who ran for public office in Alabama four times in the 1970s and '80s on the minority "Prohibition" party ticket, capturing from 1.1 to 1.6 percent of the vote in her races for Congressional District 6 in 1972 and for Lt. Governor in 1974 and 1978. She fared best in her final race, for Secretary of State, in 1982, when she captured 5 percent of the vote, presumably a protest against Democrat Don Siegelman, who won the seat with 81 percent. Jim Bowling of Dallas, Texas, who sold us this copy, writes: "I was the executor of my grandmother, Edna L Bowling's estate. Most of her books passed to me. She lived in West End, Alabama and was an independent woman who successfully competed in a man's world. She was not famous but well known, since she ran for Governor (sic) several times. She sold encyclopedia's for 30 years. As a former school teacher, she wood go into small towns in Alabama, get to know the educators, city leaders and ask about students in need. She would usually stay in a small town several weeks at a time. She met Mrs. Lee in Monroeville, Alabama and she signed book on a later visit." Comparison Harper Lee signatures are readily available Online. As we claim no special expertise in Harper Lee signatures, prospective buyers are advised to make their own comparisons. (Our fifth and final scan has been artificially darkened to better bring out the signature.) The 1962 film -- screenplay by Horton Foote -- starred Gregory Peck, Robert Duvall, and Mary Badham as Scout. 296 pp. N° de ref. del artículo 004404
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Detalles bibliográficos
Título: To Kill a Mockingbird / The Pulitzer Prize ...
Editorial: J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia & New York
Año de publicación: 1961
Encuadernación: Hardcover
Condición: Very Good
Condición de la sobrecubierta: Good
Ejemplar firmado: Signed by Author(s)