Publicado por Penguin Books, New York, 1999
ISBN 10: 0141181265 ISBN 13: 9780141181264
Idioma: Inglés
Librería: W. Fraser Sandercombe, Burlington, ON, Canada
Original o primera edición
EUR 14,80
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritoSoft cover. Condición: Very Good. First Printing - First Thus. (xxxiii) 628 pp. Please note, this is a very heavy book and the shipping will be higher than normal. Trade paperback format. First softcover printing with the introduction by John Bishop. Light rubbing on the corners with an uncreased spine; no interior markings. The cover features a detail from St Columba and the Monks of the Monastery of Kells from The Book of Kells. Size: 8vo. Book.
Librería: Kennys Bookshop and Art Galleries Ltd., Galway, GY, Irlanda
Original o primera edición
EUR 13,52
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 10 disponibles
Añadir al carritoCondición: New. 2020. 01st Edition. Paperback. . . . . .
Publicado por NY: Poetry Center,, 1950
Librería: Jeff Maser, Bookseller - ABAA, Berkeley, CA, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 19,79
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritoFirst edition. [4 pp]. Near fine in stapled wrappers.
Publicado por Frankfurt, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1987
ISBN 10: 3518114395 ISBN 13: 9783518114391
Idioma: Inglés
Librería: ANTIQUARIAT Franke BRUDDENBOOKS, Lübeck, Alemania
Original o primera edición
EUR 23,00
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carrito8°, Taschenbuch. Condición: Gut. 1. Auflage. 627 S., Einband mit minimalen Lagerspuren, innen sauber und gut erhalten. ISBN: 3518114395 Wir senden umgehend mit beiliegender MwSt.Rechnung. Sprache: Englisch Gewicht in Gramm: 280.
Publicado por Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp Verlag, 1989
ISBN 10: 3518115243 ISBN 13: 9783518115244
Idioma: Alemán
Librería: BOUQUINIST, München, BY, Alemania
Original o primera edición
EUR 13,00
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritoTaschenbuch. Kartoniert. Condición: Gut. Deutsche Erstausgabe. 320 (20) Seiten mit einem Titelbild. 17,8 cm. Umschlag nach Entwürfen von Willy Fleckhaus. Guter Zustand. Mit 5 Anstreichungen. Das Werk gilt als unübersetzbar, und dennoch, oder gerade deshalb, hat es immer wieder Übersetzer und Schriftsteller, Außenseiter und Fachleute gereizt, Übersetzungen zu probieren. Gerade die Unterschiedlichkeit der übersetzerischen Ansätze - vom genauen Zusammentragen der einzelnen Sinnschichten bis hin zu einem eleganten Darüberhinhuschen - vermag einen Eindruck dieses rätselhaften Buches zu vermitteln. - James Joyce wurde am 2. Februar 1882 in Dublin geboren, wo er in schwierigen und ärmlichen Familienverhältnissen aufwuchs. Joyce studierte am University College von Dublin moderne Sprachen, u.a. Englisch, Französisch und Italienisch. 1902 ging er nach Paris, um ein Medizinstudium zu beginnen. Er wandte sich dort aber dem Schreiben zu und führte einen ausschweifenden Lebensstil. 1903 kehrte er nach Dublin zurück, konnte dort jedoch nicht Fuß fassen. Mit seiner Geliebten und späteren Ehefrau Nora Barnacle siedelte er 1904 auf den Kontinent über und lebte hauptsächlich in Triest. Er schrieb Kurzgeschichten und überarbeitete seinen ersten Roman Stephen Hero, der später als A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Porträt des Künstlers als junger Mann) veröffentlicht wurde. 1914 erschien Joyces erste Kurzgeschichtensammlung Dubliners. Nach Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges zog er mit seiner Familie nach Zürich, wo sein bekanntestes Werk Ulysses entstand. Der Roman wurde 1918-1920 in Auszügen in der amerikanischen Zeitschrift »The Little Review« abgedruckt; 1921 wurde er wegen obszöner Inhalte verboten. 1922 erschien Ulysses schließlich in (zensierter) Buchform in der Pariser Buchhandlung »Shakespeare and Company«. 1920 zog Joyce auf Einladung seines Freundes Ezra Pound nach Paris, wo er bis zu Frankreichs Besetzung im Zweiten Weltkrieg lebte. Dort entstand sein letzter Roman Finnegan's Wake (Finnegans Totenwache), der 1939 veröffentlicht wurde. James Joyce starb am 13. Januar 1941 in Zürich. Klaus Reichert ist Anglist, Lyriker und Übersetzer und lehrte als Professor für Anglistik an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main, wo er auch das Zentrum zur Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit gründete. Von 2002 bis 2011 war er Präsident der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung in Darmstadt. Harald Beck, geboren 1951 in München, übersetzte James Joyces Dubliners, den Monolog der Molly Bloom aus Ulysses und den Anfang von Finnegans Wake ins Deutsche. Neben weiteren Veröffentlichungen zu Joyces Werken ist er Mitherausgeber der James Joyce Online Notes. Wolfgang Hildesheimer wurde am 9. Dezember 1916 als Sohn jüdischer Eltern in Hamburg geboren und starb am 21. August 1991 in Poschiavo in der Schweiz. 1933 emigrierte er über England nach Palästina, wo er eine Schreinerlehre absolvierte. 1937 begann er an der Central School of Arts and Crafts (London) Malerei, Textilentwurf und Bühnenbildnerei zu studieren und nahm von London aus am Sommerkurs für Bühnenbild bei Emil Pirchan in Salzburg teil. Anfang 1939 gestaltete er in London am Tavistock Little Theatre sein erstes Bühnenbild. Nach dem Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs kehrte er nach Palästina zurück, arbeitete als Information Officer, war Englisch-Lehrer am British Institute und leitete zusammen mit einem Freund einige Zeit die Werbeagentur »HW«. Er beteiligte sich an Kunstausstellungen und veröffentlichte einige Gedichte, Essays und Kritiken. 1946 kehrte er nach London zurück, um Bühnenbildner zu werden, wurde aber für die Nürnberger Prozesse engagiert. Im Januar 1947 reiste er nach Nürnberg, dolmetschte für die amerikanische Besatzungsmacht und beteiligte sich wieder an Kunstausstellungen. 1949 zog er nach Ambach am Starnberger See, um als freier Maler und Grafiker zu arbeiten, schrieb im Januar 1950 aber eine Geschichte für Kinder der Beginn seiner literarischen Karriere. Bereits 1951 wurde er zur Gruppe 47 eingeladen, 1955 erhielt er den Hörspielpreis der Kriegsblinden und im selben Jahr wurde zudem sein erstes Theaterstück von Gustav Gründgens uraufgeführt; ebenfalls in diesem Jahr begann er auch wieder zu malen. Nachdem er 1953 nach München gezogen war, übersiedelte er 1957 nach Poschiavo und widmete sich einer neuen Art von Theaterstücken, deren Besonderheiten er 1960 mit der Rede Über das absurde Theater fundierte. Anlässlich der Internationalen Theaterwoche der Studentenbühnen in Erlangen gehalten, sorgte diese für Aufsehen. Sein Prosabuch Tynset wurde 1966 mit dem Georg-Büchner-Preis und dem Bremer Literaturpreis ausgezeichnet. Sein Bestseller Mozart (1977) beeinflusste das Theaterstück und den Film Amadeus. Seit 1961 beteiligte er sich wieder an Ausstellungen, seit 1965 wurde sein bildkünstlerisches Werk in rund fünfzig Einzelausstellungen gezeigt. 1980 hielt Hildesheimer die Eröffnungsrede der Salzburger Festspiele Was sagt Musik aus. Neben seinen literarischen Werken verfertigte Hildesheimer auch Collagen, die er in mehreren Bänden sammelte. Spektakulär war 1984 seine Ankündigung, angesichts der drohenden Umweltkatastrophe nicht mehr zu schreiben, sondern zur bildenden Kunst zurückzukehren. Hans Wollschläger, geboren am 17. März 1935 in Minden, war Schriftsteller, Herausgeber, Übersetzer, Musiker und Literaturkritiker. Er starb am 19. Mai 2007 in Bamberg. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 208.
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Usado desde EUR 25,00
Encuentre también Tapa blanda Original o primera edición
Publicado por Faber Paper Covered Editions, London, 1966
Librería: Frances Wetherell, Cambridge, Reino Unido
Original o primera edición
EUR 24,37
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritoPaperback. Condición: Very Good. Estado de la sobrecubierta: No Jacket as issued. 1st Edition. Second printing in this format. Slight marks to the covers otherwise a firm, clean copy.
Publicado por Gallimard, 1962
Idioma: Inglés
Librería: Daniel Zachariah, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Miembro de asociación: ALADA
Original o primera edición
EUR 29,69
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritoSoft cover. Condición: Very Good. No Jacket. 1st Edition. Introduction de Michel Butor suivis de Anna Livia Plurabelle. Paris, Gallimard, 1962. 12 x 18,5 cm, 102 pp. Covers lightly soiled. Inside very good. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
Publicado por Paris & London: Alyscamps Press,, 1993
Librería: Jeff Maser, Bookseller - ABAA, Berkeley, CA, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 34,64
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Añadir al carritoFirst edition. 41 pp w/references. Fine in wrappers with pasted-on cover label. Color reproduction of a painting of Joyce as a frontis.
Publicado por Alyscamps Press, Paris / London,, 1993
Librería: Antiquariat Knut Ahnert Berlin, Berlin, Alemania
Original o primera edición
EUR 25,00
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Añadir al carrito41 S. m. 1 farb. Abb., OKart. Erstausgabe. Deckel an einer Ecke mit Knickspur.
Librería: ISD LLC, Bristol, CT, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 56,41
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 2 disponibles
Añadir al carritohardcover. Condición: New. 1st.
Publicado por Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1977
Librería: About Books, Henderson, NV, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 37,56
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritoPaperback. Condición: Fine condition. First Edition. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University, 1977. 6" wide by 9.25" tall. A bright, shiny, clean, square, tight copy. No store stamp, owner's name or bookplate. No remainder mark. Pages are fresh, crisp, and unmarked -- probably never read. Flat spine. Bound in the original off-white printed wraps. Illustrated on the front cover with a facsimile of a manuscript page from FINNEGANS WAKE by James Joyce. This is a very nice copy of the relatively uncommon "Finnegans Wake" issue. Among the contributions are: SOME WRITERS IN THE WAKE OF THE WAKE by David Hayman; EUGENE JOLAS, TRANSITION, AND THE REVOLUTION OF THE WORD by Michael Finney; SANSCREED LATINIZED: THE WAKE IN BRAZIL AND HISPANIC AMERICA by Haroldo de Campos; AN INTERVIEW WITH MAURICE ROCHE by David Hayman; FUNERAL CANTATA by Maurice Roche; JOYCE & CO. by Philippe Sollers; FIZZLE 1 by Samuel Beckett; KOH WHISTLES UP A WIND by William Gass. Other contributors include: Helene Cixous, Italo Calvino, John Cage, etc. . First Edition. Softcover. Fine condition/No Jacket, as issued. 260pp.
Publicado por Expanding Cinema [script published by arrangement with Viking Press], New York, 1965
Librería: W. C. Baker Rare Books & Ephemera, ABAA, Brooklyn, NY, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 39,58
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Añadir al carritoSoftcover. Condición: Fine. First Separate Edition. 11 x 8 1/2-inch leaves in an 11 1/2 x 9-inch folder. [4],58,[3] pp. Leaves in printed blue metal tab folder. Fine. PASSAGES FROM JAMES JOYCE'S FINNEGANS WAKE was the final film produced and directed by Mary Ellen Bute (1906-1983), a pioneer in experimental film and animation. Bute spent much of her early career developing a style of "visual music" in film, synchronizing abstract images and music. PASSAGES, a film treatment of FINNEGANS WAKE using Joyce's original language, was largely a live-action piece but incorporated animation, double exposures, and various other unconventional visual methods. UbuWeb describes it as follows: "A half-forgotten, half-legendary pioneer in American abstract and animated filmmaking, Mary Ellen Bute, late in her career as an artist, created this adaptation of James Joyce, her only feature. In the transformation from Joyce's polyglot prose to the necessarily concrete imagery of actors and sets, Passages discovers a truly oneiric film style, a weirdly post-New Wave rediscovery of Surrealism, and in her panoply of allusion - 1950s dance crazes, atomic weaponry, ICBMs, and television all make appearances - she finds a cinematic approximation of the novel's nearly impenetrable vertically compressed structure. With Passages from Finnegans Wake Bute was the first to adapt a work of James Joyce to film and was honored for this project at the Cannes Film Festival in 1965 as best debut." The film was shown in limited capacities until its final release in 1967. Its screening of its first rush print, for which the present volume was produced, took place February 16, 1965, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art before an audience of the James Joyce Society in celebration of Joyce's birthday. The James Joyce Society was inaugurated in 1947 at the Gotham Book Bart. Bute dedicates her film to Gotham's founder and owner, Frances Steloff.
Publicado por (The Poetry Center), New York, 1950
Librería: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 39,58
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Añadir al carritoSoftcover. Condición: Near Fine. First edition. Octavo. 4pp. Stapled printed wrappers. Faint age-toning at the extremities, near fine.
Publicado por Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1957
Librería: Daedalus Books, Portland, OR, Estados Unidos de America
Miembro de asociación: CBA
Original o primera edición
EUR 40,04
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Añadir al carritoHardcover. Condición: Very Good. Estado de la sobrecubierta: Very Good. First Edition Thus. Price-clipped jacket. Dustjacket in mylar cover. ; 8vo; 75 pages.
Publicado por Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1957
Librería: Yesterday's Gallery, ABAA, East Woodstock, CT, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 39,58
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Añadir al carritoHardcover. Dust Jacket Included. 1st Edition. First Edition. Octavo, original dark blue cloth over boards, black and white dust jacket. An adaptaion of James Joyce's Finnegans Wake for the theatre. Near Fine, in Near Fine dust jacket, heavily price-clipped, not affecting text.
Publicado por Caedmon Publishers, New York, 1960
Librería: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 44,53
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Añadir al carritoSoftcover. Condición: Very Good. First edition thus. Tall octavo. 25pp. Stapled self-wrappers. Wrappers tanned with a cover stain, lower wrap with a bit of very shallow abrading, and foredge with a tiny stain barely affecting the margins of the last few pages, near very good. A portion of Joyce's novel, published in conjunction with the release of the Caedmon Records recording of readings from *Finnegans Wake*.
Librería: ISD LLC, Bristol, CT, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 81,15
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Añadir al carritohardcover. Condición: New. 1st.
Publicado por The Viking Press, New York, 1967
Librería: Fahrenheit's Books, Denver, CO, Estados Unidos de America
Miembro de asociación: RMABA
Original o primera edición
EUR 49,48
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Añadir al carritoHardcover. Condición: Very Good. Estado de la sobrecubierta: Very Good. First U.S. Edition. First US edition, hardcover, has a mild lean to the binding, slight bumps to the spine ends and cover corners, faint sunning to the spine and head with a touch of fading to the cover edges, a hint of smudging to the edges of the text block, and a brief penciled note with an effaced mark at the upper fore corner of the front fly leaf. Otherwise, this is a solid, tight Very Good copy in a like, unclipped dust jacket, which has sun toning to the spine and cover edges, moderate bumps with shallow chips to the spine ends and corners, rubbing with a few smudges to the covers, and edge wear with a few short chips and tears to the covers. The jacket is wrapped in a Mylar cover.
Publicado por Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1957
Librería: gearbooks, The Bronx, NY, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 52,48
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritoHardcover. Condición: Very Good. Estado de la sobrecubierta: Poor. Marcia Lambrecht (Jacket Art) Ilustrador. Copyright 1957. 75 pp. A rare, hard-to-find, out-of-print, collectible gem! Solidly bound copy and dust jacket with moderate external wear, crisp pages and clean text. Dust jacket shows extensive wear and rips along the front and back.
Año de publicación: 1963
Librería: Clayton Fine Books, Shepherdstown, WV, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 44,53
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Añadir al carritoSoft cover. Condición: Near Fine. First Edition. Near fine in original wrappers.
Publicado por The Viking Press, New York, 1947
Idioma: Inglés
Librería: rarefirsts, Charlotte Hall, MD, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 123,69
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Añadir al carritoHardcover. Condición: Very Good. No Jacket. 1st Edition. Fifth printing of the Irish author's classic work of comic prose. No writing, marks, underlining, or bookplates. Spine is tight and crisp. Boards are flat and true, and the corners are square. The spine cover, once separated from the binding, has been professionally repaired. There is also some browning to the pages. No dust jacket. A nice clean copy that has retained its appeal. This collectible, very good, first edition/fifth printing copy is protected with an archival mylar cover. Satisfaction guaranteed!.
Publicado por Faber & Faber,, London,, 1958
Librería: Nicola Wagner, Aptos, CA, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 64,32
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Añadir al carrito8vo. pp 75. Original publishers red cloth , end papers slightly browned otherwise VG+ in VG pale green dust wrapper. Very good indeed. First Edition. Hardback. Dust Jacket.
Publicado por London, 1939
Librería: Clayton Fine Books, Shepherdstown, WV, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 64,32
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Añadir al carritoSoft cover. Condición: Near Fine. First Edition. Near fine in original wrappers (a small ink notation on the bottom of the front panel).
Publicado por Harcourt Brace, New York, 1944
Librería: Lux Mentis, Booksellers, ABAA/ILAB, Portland, ME, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 64,32
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritoHardcover. Condición: Very Good. No DJ. First Edition. First Edition. Hardcover. First significant critical examination of Finnegans Wake. Joseph Cambell's first book. Cambell went on to become a major figure in mythology and 20th cent. comparative religion and a Jungian advocate. A cornerstone work for a Joyce collection. Light shelf/egde wear, upper tips gently bumped, bump to the head, light dust-staining to top of textblock, else tight, bright and unmarred. Green cloth boards, yellow ink lettering. Small 8vo. 365pp.
Librería: Asano Bookshop, Nagoya, AICHI, Japon
Original o primera edición
EUR 110,83
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritoHardcover. Condición: New. 1st Edition. Brand New In stock.
Librería: Asano Bookshop, Nagoya, AICHI, Japon
Original o primera edición
EUR 110,83
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritoHardcover. Condición: New. 1st Edition.
Librería: Twice Sold Tales, Ashfield, MA, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 148,44
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritohardcover. Condición: Very Good. First Edition. Viking Press hard cover - 1st edition 6th printing (1955) - no dustjacket - minor staining to closed page edge - minor wear to edge of dustjacket - otherwise cover fine binding strong contents clean - enjoy.
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Usado desde EUR 153,71
Encuentre también Tapa dura Original o primera edición
Publicado por The Viking Press, 1939
Idioma: Inglés
Librería: Yes Books, Portland, ME, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 197,92
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritoHardcover. Condición: Very Good. No Jacket. First American Edition. Text block has a bit of a wave. Light age tone. Some foxing on edge of text block. Otherwise, a clean unmarked copy in very good condition. 628 pages.
Librería: zenosbooks, San Francisco, CA, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 346,36
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritohardcover. Condición: Very Good in Dustjacket. Estado de la sobrecubierta: Very Good. First Edition. New York. 1976. Viking Press. 1st Printing of This Centennial Edition. Very Good in Dustjacket. 0670315389. 628 pages. hardcover. keywords: Europe Ireland Literature Joyce Ireland Literature World Literature. DESCRIPTION - Having completed work on Ulysses, Joyce was so exhausted that he did not write a line of prose for a year. On 10 March 1923 he informed a patron, Harriet Weaver: 'Yesterday I wrote two pages - the first I have since the final Yes of Ulysses. Having found a pen, with some difficulty I copied them out in a large handwriting on a double sheet of foolscap so that I could read them. Il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio, the Italians say. 'The wolf may lose his skin but not his vice' or 'the leopard cannot change his spots.'' Thus was born a text that became known, first, as Work in Progress and later Finnegans Wake. By 1926 Joyce had completed the first two parts of the book. In that year, he met Eugene and Maria Jolas who offered to serialise the book in their magazine transition. For the next few years, Joyce worked rapidly on the new book, but in the 1930s, progress slowed considerably. This was due to a number of factors, including the death of his father in 1931, concern over the mental health of his daughter Lucia and his own health problems, including failing eyesight. Much of the work was done with the assistance of younger admirers, including Samuel Beckett. For some years, Joyce nursed the eccentric plan of turning over the book to his friend James Stephens to complete, on the grounds that Stephens was born in the same hospital as Joyce exactly one week later, and shared the first name of both Joyce and of Joyce's fictional alter-ego, an example of Joyce's superstitions. Reaction to the work was mixed, including negative comment from early supporters of Joyce's work, such as Pound and the author's brother, Stanislaus Joyce. To counteract this hostile reception, a book of essays by supporters of the new work, including Beckett, William Carlos Williams and others was organised and published in 1929 under the title Our Exagmination Round His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress. At his 57th birthday party at the Jolases' home, Joyce revealed the final title of the work and Finnegans Wake was published in book form on 4 May 1939. Later, further negative comments surfaced from doctor and author Hervey Cleckley, who questioned the significance others had placed on the work. In his book, The Mask of Sanity, Cleckley refers to Finnegans Wake as 'a 628-page collection of erudite gibberish indistinguishable to most people from the familiar word salad produced by hebephrenic patients on the back wards of any state hospital.' Joyce's method of stream of consciousness, literary allusions and free dream associations was pushed to the limit in Finnegans Wake, which abandoned all conventions of plot and character construction and is written in a peculiar and obscure language, based mainly on complex multi-level puns. This approach is similar to, but far more extensive than that used by Lewis Carroll in Jabberwocky. This has led many readers and critics to apply Joyce's oft-quoted description in the Wake of Ulysses as his 'usylessly unreadable Blue Book of Eccles' to the Wake itself. However, readers have been able to reach a consensus about the central cast of characters and general plot. Much of the wordplay in the book stems from the use of multilingual puns which draw on a wide range of languages. The role played by Beckett and other assistants included collating words from these languages on cards for Joyce to use and, as Joyce's eyesight worsened, of writing the text from the author's dictation. The view of history propounded in this text is very strongly influenced by Giambattista Vico, and the metaphysics of Giordano Bruno of Nola are important to the interplay of the 'characters.' Vico propounded a cyclical view of history, in which civilisation rose from chaos, passed through theocratic, aristocratic, and democratic phases, and then lapsed back into chaos. The most obvious example of the influence of Vico's cyclical theory of history is to be found in the opening and closing words of the book. Finnegans Wake opens with the words 'riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.' ('vicus' is a pun on Vico) and ends 'A way a lone a last a loved a long the.' In other words, the book ends with the beginning of a sentence and begins with the end of the same sentence, turning the book into one great cycle. Indeed, Joyce said that the ideal reader of the Wake would suffer from 'ideal insomnia' and, on completing the book, would turn to page one and start again, and so on in an endless cycle of reading. inventory #40948.
Publicado por The Viking Press, New York, New York, U.S.A., 1945
Idioma: Inglés
Librería: Bren-Books, Rockville, MD, Estados Unidos de America
Original o primera edición
EUR 504,69
Convertir monedaCantidad disponible: 1 disponibles
Añadir al carritoHardcover. Condición: Very Good. Estado de la sobrecubierta: Very Good. First Edition. 1945 Viking Press True First/ First printing of Joyce's elusive opus. This book is in VG/VG condition. The HB has the beginning of a dent in the spine. The top stain is faded but visible. Otherwise a very clean & tightHB. The DJ is later state ( $7.50) not price clipped and is mylar wrapped. It is just slightly smaller than the book.