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  • Fenton Outcault, Richard

    Publicado por Editorial Ramon Sopena, 1930

    Librería: Llibres de Companyia, BARCELONA, España

    Calificación del vendedor: 4 de 5 estrellas Valoración 4 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

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    EUR 35,00 Gastos de envío

    De España a Estados Unidos de America

    Cantidad disponible: 1 disponibles

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    Condición: Deteriorado. Puntos Oxido. Biblioteca para niños Español, Castellano . Libro infantil con relatos, ilustraciones y al menos una historieta de Juanito y su perro, de Outcault. Edicion inedita de 1930. Ilustrado con cuatro láminas en tricolor, quince grabados en bicolor y treinta y seis en negro. Enc. editorial sin sobrecubierta (tapa dura).

  • Imagen del vendedor de R.F.OUTCAULT The Yellow Kid: A Centenial Celebration of the Kid Who Started the Comics. a la venta por John  L. Capes (Books) Established 1969

    OUTCAULT Richard Fenton (Bill Blackbeard introduction):

    Publicado por NORTHAMPTON Massachusetts Kitchen Sink Press, 1995

    Librería: John L. Capes (Books) Established 1969, STAITHES, Reino Unido

    Miembro de asociación: PBFA

    Calificación del vendedor: 4 de 5 estrellas Valoración 4 estrellas, Más información sobre las valoraciones de los vendedores

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    Cantidad disponible: 1 disponibles

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    A Very Good Copy of the hardback First Edition (1st impression with all numbers present) Large Format 12¼" x 9½" "The Yellow Kid was the main character in the precursor to today's comic strips (and is so well-recognized as such that the US Postal Service has issued a centennial commemorative stamp in his honor). This volume reprints the Yellow Kid strips for the first time since their original publication in 1895-98 in their entirety and in their original color."The Yellow Kid was the main character in the precursor to today's comic strips (and is so well-recognized as such that the US Postal Service has issued a centennial commemorative stamp in his honor). This volume reprints the Yellow Kid strips for the first time since their original publication in 1895-98 in their entirety and in their original color."The Yellow Kid was the main character in the precursor to today's comic strips (and is so well-recognized as such that the US Postal Service has issued a centennial commemorative stamp in his honor). This volume reprints the Yellow Kid strips for the first time since their original publication in 1895-98 in their entirety and in their original color." "The Yellow Kid was the main character in the precursor to today's comic strips (and is so well-recognized as such that the US Postal Service has issued a centennial commemorative stamp in his honor). This volume reprints the Yellow Kid strips for the first time since their original publication in 1895-98 in their entirety and in their original color." "The Yellow Kid was the main character in the precursor to today's comic strips (and is so well-recognized as such that the US Postal Service has issued a centennial commemorative stamp in his honor). This volume reprints the Yellow Kid strips for the first time since their original publication in 1895-98 in their entirety and in their original color.".