Highly motivating differentiated Student Books develop confidence, fluency and problem-solving, supporting progression: Full ability range: Pi (Tier 1), Theta (Tier 2) and Delta (Tier 3)Unit structure based on mastery lessons, formative test, consolidation and extension lessons and a summative unit testReflection (metacognition) is explicitly encouraged to build perseverance and confidenceSTEM and Finance lessons highlight these important links to using maths in real lifeReasoning and Problem-solving are nurtured in preparation for progressing to GCSE If you're an institution you can get the answers for this book as a free download.
Reseña del editor:
Highly motivating differentiated Student Books develop confidence, fluency and problem-solving, supporting progression: * Full ability range: Alpha (Access), Pi (Tier 1), Theta (Tier 2) and Delta (Tier 3) * Unit structure based on mastery lessons, formative test, consolidation and extension lessons and a summative unit test * Reflection (metacognition) is explicitly encouraged to build perseverance and confidence * STEM and Finance lessons highlight these important links to using maths in real life * Reasoning and Problem-solving are nurtured in preparation for progressing to GCSE
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