[Johannes Groenewegen and Abraham van der Hoeck, Dutch booksellers in the Strand, London] Engraved eighteenth-century bookplate with portrait of Horace above text 'This Book is to be sold by J: Groenewegen & A: vander Hoeck in the Strand.'

[Johannes Groenewegen and Abraham van der Hoeck, Dutch booksellers in the Strand, London, between 1715 and 1728]

Editorial: Johannes Groenewegen and Abraham van der Hoeck booksellers in the Strand London. Early eighteenth century
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Librería: Richard M. Ford Ltd (London, Reino Unido)
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In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, tipped in onto a grey paper mount. Engraved on 13 x 8 cm piece of wove paper, with no margin. The firm's shop was at the sign of Horace's head in the Strand, and the engraving depicts a lapidary carving off the head and shoulders of the poet, with laurel leaf above, in an oval frame, around which are 'carved' decorations (including lyre and grapes). Beneath the portrait, on a carved panel: 'This Book is to be sold | by J: Groenewegen & | A: vander Hoeck | in the Strand.' The firm issued catalogues betwen 1715 and 1728, after which Groenwegen disappeared from the scene, while van der Hoeck continued in business (although not in BBTI). No copy found on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. N° de ref. del artículo 14911

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Título: [Johannes Groenewegen and Abraham van der ...
Editorial: Johannes Groenewegen and Abraham van der Hoeck booksellers in the Strand London. Early eighteenth century

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