[The Cooperative Printing Company] Printed Letter Signed (printed signatures) by Thomas Hughes, author of "Tom Brown's Schooldays", and others

[PRINTING HISTORY] Thomas Hughes and others.

Editorial: 176 Fleet St E.C. London no date
Usado / Cantidad disponible: 0
Librería: Richard M. Ford Ltd (London, Reino Unido)
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Four pages, fol., tear on fold marks, other defects but text clear and complete. The ten signatories also include W. Morrison (presumably the philanthropist, Walter), T[homas]. Brassey, R.M. [Castor?], Auberon Herbert ("the originator of Voluntaryism" (Wikipedia - see alos DNB), Hodgson Pratt (Peace advocate (DNB), [P.H. Hillard?], Edw. Owen Greeening, Tito Pagliardini and another (undeciphered). A socialist project concerning which I have found little information. They use and explainthe phrase "Industrial Partnership", the worker investing in "the work where he is employed", putting an end to industrial strife and motivating them with a share of the profits. They anticipate a benign influence on human character, a blurring of class barriers. On the first page is printed (in red) a statement about the division of profits, etc. Presumably the Company was too Utopian to last. No other copy traced. N° de ref. del artículo 4925

Detalles bibliográficos

Título: [The Cooperative Printing Company] Printed ...
Editorial: 176 Fleet St E.C. London no date

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