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Gastos de envío gratis

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  • Robert A. Goldberg

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 1996

    ISBN 10: 0881338966ISBN 13: 9780881338966

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. One of the finest pieces of social historical analysis on movement politics! Grassroots Resistance offers readers a synthesis for the study of social movements and social change in twentieth-century America. Ordinary men and women occupy the foreground as movers of events rather than observers of history as Goldberg analyzes eight significant movements including the Industrial Workers of the World, the Ku Klux Klan, the Communist Party, and the John Birch Society. The book blends the focus of a historical perspective with the insights of sociological theory to give readers both the necessary dimensions of time and human involvement and a theoretical lens through which to look at pieces of the past.Titles of related interest also available from Waveland Press: Bowers et al., The Rhetoric of Agitation and Control, Third Edition (ISBN 9781577666141); Miller, Introduction to Collective Behavior and Collective Action, Third Edition (ISBN 9781478600572); and Stewart et al., Persuasion and Social Movements, Sixth Edition (ISBN 9781577667773).

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  • Beatrice P. Patt

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 1989

    ISBN 10: 0881334545ISBN 13: 9780881334548

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. PUBLISHED IN SPANISH. This anthology is designed to acquaint readers with some of the most significant works of Spanish literature over the space of two centuries. By including representative selections from various genres, the editors have attempted to place each work in a historical context and provide a panoramic view from 1700 to 1900.Titles of related interest from Waveland Press: Barrett, Five Centuries of Spanish Literature: From the Cid through the Golden Age (ISBN 9781577663195); Gasta, La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades, Annotated Critical Edition (ISBN 9781478605713); Johnson, Don Quixote: The Quest for Modern Fiction (ISBN 9781577661481); Martel-Alpern, Diez Comedias del Siglo de Oro, Second Edition (ISBN 9780881331196); and Rivers, Renaissance and Baroque Poetry of Spain (ISBN 9780881333633).

  • Miguel Angel Asturias

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 1997

    ISBN 10: 0881339512ISBN 13: 9780881339512

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. Winner! Nobel Prize for Literature. Guatemalan diplomat and writer Miguel Angel Asturias (1899-1974) began this award-winning work while still a law student. It is a story of ruthless dictator and his schemes to dispose of a political adversary in an unnamed Latin American country usually identified as Guatemala. The book has been acclaimed for portraying both a totalitarian government and its damaging psychological effects. Drawing from his experiences as a journalist writing under repressive conditions, Asturias employs such literary devices as satire to convey the government's transgressions and surrealistic dream sequences to demonstrate the police state's impact on the individual psyche. Asturias's stance against all forms of injustice in Guatemala caused critics to view the author as a compassionate spokesperson for the oppressed. "My work," Asturias promised when he accepted the Nobel Prize, "will continue to reflect the voice of the people, gathering their myths and popular beliefs and at the same time seeking to give birth to a universal consciousness of Latin American problems.".

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  • Douglas Raybeck

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 1996

    ISBN 10: 0881339067ISBN 13: 9780881339062

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. According to Raybeck, the solitary dictum that best characterizes fieldwork is "Things go awry." In this spirited account of his time spent in Southeast Asia, Raybeck describes several adventures and misadventures involving field research, as well as the understanding, humility and bruises that these experiences leave behind. Since fieldwork is situated, Raybeck's treatment also includes rich descriptions of Kelantanese society and culture, addressing such topics as kinship, linguistics, gender relations, economics, and political structures. Through the lively pages of this narrative, readers gain insight into the human dimension of the fieldwork undertaking, a sense of how the anthropologist builds rapport in a research setting, and how reliable information is obtained.

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  • Wendy A. Schweigert

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2011

    ISBN 10: 1577667190ISBN 13: 9781577667193

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. Suitable as a primary text or as a supplement, this versatile handbook is ideal for any research-oriented psychology course. Each chapter independently covers a commonly used research method, giving instructors the flexibility to tailor the book to meet the needs of their courses. Chapter outlines, concept questions and exercises (along with a selected set of answers), lists of important terms and concepts, and clearly written explanations of basic statistical techniques are among the book's many notable features. Basic guidelines of how to write, format, and publish research results emphasize a hands-on approach to conducting psychological research. The Third Edition includes a new full chapter on literature searches and more information on the Internet's role in various facets of research.Schweigert's clear, succinct writing style, her focus on the fundamentals of research design, and her thorough coverage engage students who are at all levels of exposure to research methods. In the end, all students will learn to embrace the ethics and process of collecting and presenting useful, accurate data.Not-for-sale instructor resource material available to college and university faculty only; contact publisher directly.Titles of related interest from Waveland Press: Allen-Yen, Introduction to Measurement Theory (ISBN 9781577662303); Matsumoto, Cultural Influences on Research Methods and Statistics (ISBN 9781577661122); and McClendon, Multiple Regression and Causal Analysis (ISBN 9781577662433).

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  • Marvin Harris

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 1998

    ISBN 10: 1577660153ISBN 13: 9781577660156

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. Why are human food habits so diverse? Why do Americans recoil at the thought of dog meat? Jews and Moslems, pork? Hindus, beef? Why do Asians abhor milk? In Good to Eat, bestselling author Marvin Harris leads readers on an informative detective adventure to solve the world's major food puzzles. He explains the diversity of the world's gastronomic customs, demonstrating that what appear at first glance to be irrational food tastes turn out really to have been shaped by practical, or economic, or political necessity. In addition, his smart and spirited treatment sheds wisdom on such topics as why there has been an explosion in fast food, why history indicates that it's "bad" to eat people but "good" to kill them, and why children universally reject spinach. Good to Eat is more than an intellectual adventure in food for thought. It is a highly readable, scientifically accurate, and fascinating work that demystifies the causes of myriad human cultural differences.Title of related interest also available from Waveland Press: Kahn, Always Hungry, Never Greedy: Food and the Expression of Gender in a Melanesian Society (ISBN 9780881337761).

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  • Nanda, Serena

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 1999

    ISBN 10: 009941693XISBN 13: 9780099416937

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. How can we gain new understandings about sex, gender, and sexuality? What are the relationships between culture and gender diversity? How has the diffusion of Euro-American culture affected the sex/gender ideologies of non-European cultures? This eye-opening account of the differences in how sex/gender diversity is experienced in seven cultures raises our consciousness and challenges our intellectual understandings and attitudes about what we consider natural, normal, and morally right. Nanda's examples, which reveal the complexity of social responses toward sex/gender diversity, are ethnographically well documented and represent various geographical areas and sex/gender ideologies. In classic anthropological fashion, Nanda's text enables us to cross the barriers of cultural difference to a recognition of a greater shared humanity.

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  • Niccolo Machiavelli

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Press Inc, 1981

    ISBN 10: 0917974573ISBN 13: 9780917974571

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. A superior treatment of Machiavelli's minor masterpiece! Flaumenhaft's beautifully crafted, literal translation aims to capture the original intent of the playwright. Machiavelli himself distinguished carefully between translations and revisions; thus, Flaumenhaft finds a faithful translation essential to conveying Machiavelli's thought and to allowing direct access to the work. The Prologue explores the relationship between Machiavelli's stage comedies--part of the Comedia Erudita of the Italian Renaissance--and his political books. Mandragola focuses on the interplay between personal and political ethics, a major theme throughout his works. The translation includes helpful notes that clarify allusions, language, and context. Names of characters and places, titles and forms of address, and some familiar Italian words and phrases remain in Italian. Passages in Latin, as well as idioms, are reproduced in the notes.

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  • Pa Chin

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 1971

    ISBN 10: 0881333735ISBN 13: 9780881333732

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. Reprint. An essential work for anyone interested in the society and history of modern China! The first half of the twentieth century was a period of great turmoil in China. Family, one of the most popular Chinese novels of that time, vividly reflects that turmoil and serves as a basis for understanding what followed. Written in 1931, Family has been compared to Dream of the Red Chamber for its superb portrayal of the family life and society of its time. Drawn largely from Pa Chin's own experience, Family is the story of the Kao family compound, consisting of four generations plus servants. It is essentially a picture of the conflict between old China and the new tide rising to destroy it, as manifested in the daily lives of the Kao family, and particularly the three young Kao brothers. Here we see situations that, unique as they are to the time and place of this novel, recall many circumstances of today's world: the conflict between generations and classes, ill-fated love affairs, students' political activities, and the struggle for the liberation of women. The complex passions aroused in Family and in the reader are an indication of the universality of human experience. This novel illustrates the effectiveness of fiction as a vehicle for translating the experience of one culture to another very different one.

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  • Ferdinand Oyono

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Press, Inc., 2012

    ISBN 10: 1577669886ISBN 13: 9781577669883

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. Toundi Ondoua, the rural African protagonist of Houseboy, encounters a world of prisms that cast beautiful but unobtainable glimmers, especially for a black youth in colonial Cameroon. Houseboy, written in the form of Toundi's captivating diary and translated from the original French, discloses his awe of the white world and a web of unpredictable experiences. Early on, he escapes his father's angry blows by seeking asylum with his benefactor, the local European priest who meets an untimely death. Toundi then becomes "the Chief European's 'boy'--the dog of the King." Toundi's attempt to fulfill a dream of advancement and improvement opens his eyes to troubling realities. Gradually, preconceptions of the Europeans come crashing down on him as he struggles with his identity, his place in society, and the changing culture.Other titles by African writers from Waveland Press:Ba, So Long a Letter (ISBN 9781577668060)Beti, The Poor Christ of Bomba (ISBN 9781577664185)Emecheta, Kehinde (ISBN 9781577664192)Equiano, Equiano's Travels (ISBN 9781577664871)Head, The Collector of Treasures and Other Botswana Village Tales (ISBN 9781478607601)Head, Maru (ISBN 9781478607618)Head, When Rain Clouds Gather (ISBN 9781478607595)La Guma, In the Fog of the Seasons' End (ISBN 9781478600251)Marechera, The House of Hunger (ISBN 9781478604730)Mofolo, Chaka (ISBN 9781478607151)Ngugi-Mugo, The Trial of Dedan Kimathi (ISBN 9781478611318)Nwapa, Efuru (ISBN 9781478611011)Oyono, The Old Man and the Medal (ISBN 9781478609582)p'Bitek, Song of Lawino & Song of Ocol (ISBN 9781478604723)Plaatje, Mhudi (ISBN 9781478609575)Rifaat, Distant Views of a Minaret and Other Short Stories (ISBN 9781478611288).

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  • Charles R. Hoffer

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2004

    ISBN 10: 1577663225ISBN 13: 9781577663225

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. A music textbook created just for future classroom teachers! There is no question that music makes a significant contribution to the quality of human life and that music can play a valuable role in the learning of virtually all subjects taught in the elementary schools. Music for Elementary School Teachers is a concise, easy-to-understand book that covers the essentials of what future elementary classroom teachers need to know in the area of music. It emphasizes the cooperative-supportive role of elementary classroom teachers with music teachers and demonstrates how music can be used with other curricular and classroom activities to enhance and enrich the learning of all subjects. Furthermore, the text s comprehensive coverage is more than adequate for those teachers who find themselves responsible for all the music instruction their students will receive. Outstanding features: 1) Hoffer s presentation is easy to comprehend and is unintimidating for future classroom teachers who have had little music instruction themselves; 2) it covers methods and skills that elementary education majors can normally master in a one-semester course; 3) many helpful suggestions on how to involve music with the teaching and learning of all subjects and with classroom management are valuable for both prospective and practicing teachers; 4) the inclusion of "Projects" and "Review Questions" ensures the maximum comprehension of the material presented in the text; 5) "Skill Development" sections facilitate the learning of rudimentary skills in making music and understanding music notation and provide the opportunities to practice and perfect these skills; and 6) although it does include many songs, it calls upon the student to make use of the existing elementary school music books and their CDS.Also available from Waveland Press by Charles Hoffer, Introduction to Music Education, Fourth Edition (ISBN 9781478634072).

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  • Raymond E. Hampton

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2013

    ISBN 10: 1577669509ISBN 13: 9781577669500

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. Now packaged with Minitab statistical software! Hampton and Havel's clear, approachable text has guided a generation of biology students through their first foray into statistics. The third edition continues to provide a thorough grounding in all essential methods of descriptive and inferential statistics, ideal for any student seeking a career in experimental sciences. Each chapter has been carefully updated and restructured to enhance understanding, better bridge the gaps between topics, and create a pragmatic approach to learning the many uses of statistics in biology.The authors complement their descriptions with an abundance of examples and exercises that illustrate how to choose and apply statistical procedures and interpret their results in real-world scenarios, allowing students to develop and test their understanding while building their confidence with the material.The third edition explores changing standards of technology and includes new boxed examples written by experts of computer-intensive resampling methods, multivariate analysis, and meta-analysis. Use of Minitab's outstanding statistical software (now included on the CD accompanying the book) is incorporated throughout the text.Not-for-sale instructor resource material available to college and university faculty only; contact publisher directly.Title of related interested also from Waveland Press: Glover-Mitchell, An Introduction to Biostatistics, Third Edition (ISBN 9781478627791).

  • James D. Paterson

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2001

    ISBN 10: 1577661656ISBN 13: 9781577661658

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. A greatly revised and reformatted edition, now with companion CD-ROM! The second edition of this outstanding workbook by a veteran primatologist conveys the fascination, ecstasy, and unpredictability inherent in the scientific research of primates. Seven introductory chapters incorporate the latest concepts in the field, offering a detailed guide for conducting scientific behavioral studies. Paterson explains the two main categories of statistics, demonstrates the practicalities of calculating a standard deviation, and discusses the usefulness of different high-tech devices for data collection and recording. Twenty-three classroom-tested exercises--designed to implement the skills and techniques described in the first section--emphasize accuracy, precision, and effective communication of results. Relevant forms for recording and presenting research data are provided at the end of each exercise. A suite of field ecology exercises make the workbook useful at field school sites. Seasoned researchers as well as those new to the discipline of primatology research will benefit from this thorough, well-organized workbook. The companion CD-ROM includes relevant forms for recording and presenting research data as well as training video samples.Title of related interest also available from Waveland Press: Wheatley, The Sacred Monkeys of Bali (ISBN 9781577660590).

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  • Jana Noel

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2008

    ISBN 10: 1577665414ISBN 13: 9781577665410

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. Thoroughly updated, Noel's concise, practical text offers essential information on identity development as it applies to multicultural education. Discussions are not heavily laden with theory, but when that coverage is warranted, Noel uses clear, jargon-free language and examples of how theory can be applied in the real world. The concepts of identity and culture are introduced through the author's own identity story--an apt way to set the stage for self-exploration, learning new insights, and discovering how teachers can make a positive difference in school and community settings. A section on community "funds of knowledge" explores the theory and practice of connecting with a school's neighborhood community. Other distinctive features include: an extended section on tracking and an entirely new section and reflective writing on the concept of "subtractive schooling," current statistics and identity issues related to refugee and immigrant status, a discussion of Gardner's eighth intelligence (the naturalist intelligence), and new identity stories illustrating the various stages of ethnic identity. The book's advantageous pedagogical tools--group and individual activities, guided discussion questions throughout the chapters, end-of-the-chapter reflective writings, and case studies--help readers to gain a clear vision of how to be an effective teacher in today's diverse communities.

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  • James W. Stockard Jr.

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2010

    ISBN 10: 1577666720ISBN 13: 9781577666721

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. Revised edition of the invaluable guidebook for developing interest, meaning, and true understanding in the classroom! According to Piaget, all higher-order thinking skills have their bases in activities involving concrete manipulation and observation. The third edition of this highly regarded collection of social studies activities, now with new contributing author Mary Margaret Wogan, continues to be based on the premise that children learn best through experiences and activities learning by doing. It features new activities for each social studies category (geography, history, anthropology, sociology, economics, political science, and interdisciplinary). Three important additions to the key elements of the easy-to-follow activity format make it easier for instructors to meet standards-based curriculum requirements:- A detailed treatment of National Council of Social Studies standards addressed- Specific multiple intelligences addressed (This concept is reinforced by a new multiple intelligences section in the back of the book)- Useful Web site(s) for group/individual research (URLs for sites that will expand or enrich the learning experience for the activity)By engaging pupils in meaningful, worthwhile social studies activities, instructors can emphasize the processes of learning rather than the products, resulting in a richly rewarding experience for pupils and teacher alike.Titles of related interest from Waveland Press: Dynneson et al., Designing Effective Instruction for Secondary Social Studies, Third Edition (ISBN 9781577665199); Farris, Elementary and Middle School Social Studies: An Interdisciplinary, Multicultural Approach, Seventh Edition (ISBN 9781478622802); and Stockard, Handbook for Teaching Secondary School Social Studies (ISBN 9781577664543).

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  • Kreps, Gary L.

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 1992

    ISBN 10: 0881336432ISBN 13: 9780881336436

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. Presenting the essentials of communication theory in practical terms for members/consumers of the health care professions! Human communication performs an integral role in the delivery of health care and the promotion of health. The ability to communicate directly affects our ability to maintain our health and to help others do the same. Yet, rather than being a focal point in health care, communication is often taken for granted in the health care system. The First Edition of Health Communication was written to help correct this lack of emphasis. The Second Edition enhances its previous discussion of developing effective provider/consumer relationships, health care teams and health care interviews by including new concepts. The revision emphasizes ethical health communication, intercultural and interprofessional exchanges, the use of communication to promote health, the importance of information in health care, the creation of communication campaigns, and the increasing role of technology. Case histories that describe a wide range of health care situations are integrated into each chapter. Health Communication, 2/E covers a wide variety of topics in a well-organized, easy- to-understand format.

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  • George Cheney

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2023

    ISBN 10: 1577666402ISBN 13: 9781577666400

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. The thought-provoking, timely second edition continues to offer a comprehensive, global perspective on organizational communication. The authors' multinational experience, consulting and teaching expertise, enthusiasm for their subject, and engaging style of writing create an inviting foundation for the exploration of this multifaceted topic. Each chapter demonstrates the practicality of theory and how practice contributes to the development of theory, while challenging readers to build on established knowledge to develop new approaches to the pressing problems in complex, multicultural organizations. The text is organized topically around the most important issues in organizational communication. Five themes recur throughout the chapters: the interdependence of internal and external forms of organizational communication, the disciplinarity and multidisciplinarity of organizational communication, global and multicultural perspectives of organizational communication, the unity of the.

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  • Bastien, Joseph W.

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 1985

    ISBN 10: 0881331430ISBN 13: 9780881331431

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. In midwestern Bolivia stands Kaata, a sacred mountain. In a thousand-year tradition, a small community of men and women diviners has lived on its slopes. The symbolism of Mt. Kaata and its rituals provide deep insight into Andean society. With a wonderful blend of personal narrative, rich description, and theoretical presentation, the author sheds new light on the previously misinterpreted Bolivian Indians and their ancient Andean religion, rich in symbolism and ritual.

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  • Erve Chambers

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2009

    ISBN 10: 1577666267ISBN 13: 9781577666264

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. 2. The original edition of Native Tours provided a much-needed overview and analysis of anthropology s contributions to tourism as an emerging field of study. Such a cultural perspective illuminated key ideas surrounding worldwide host guest relationships and the impacts, both negative and positive, of tourism as one of the world s largest industries. Applying a characteristically uncluttered, authoritative writing style alongside an exceptional command of the relevant literature, Chambers updates, refines, and extends the original concise work. He identifies new or refashioned trends such as green tourism, community-based tourism, heritage and cultural tourism, and domestic tourism in developing nations, as well as discusses how local prejudices influence and often distort views of tourism. Three detailed case studies originating in the American Southwest, the Tirolean Alps, and Belize illustrate the social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental costs and benefits of tourism.Title of related interest also available from Waveland Press: Gmelch-Kaul, Tourists and Tourism: A Reader, Third Edition (ISBN 9781478636229).

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  • Judith Todd

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2005

    ISBN 10: 1577664108ISBN 13: 9781577664109

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. 4. Written from an eclectic, integrative point of view, this authoritative yet accessible text equips students and practitioners with theoretical and empirical knowledge of different psychotherapy and counseling approaches. Todd and Bohart, who together have a total of sixty years of experience teaching clinical psychology courses, offer a clear, understandable view of how each theoretical perspective regards the person, the person s problems, and how to help the person change. The fourth edition retains the psychotherapy and history components from previous editions and addresses current and future trends in professional psychology. New or updated topics include: assessment; professional, legal, and ethical issues; brief therapy; computerized treatment programs; Internet testing; online therapy; treatment guidelines and manuals and the controversies associated with them; radical behavior therapies; cultural and gender issues; expanding roles for psychologists in neuropsychology and primary health care; managed care; and developments in psychotherapy research and psychotherapy integration. Careful cross-referencing and clear connections between topics permit chapters to be read in any order.Not-for-sale instructor resource material available to college and university faculty only; contact publisher directly.Titles of related interest from Waveland Press: Brems, A Comprehensive Guide to Child Psychotherapy and Counseling, Third Edition (ISBN 9781577665564); Cavanagh-Levitov, The Counseling Experience: A Theoretical and Practical Approach, Second Edition (ISBN 9781577661894); Chance, First Course in Applied Behavior Analysis (ISBN 9781577664727); Martin, Counseling and Therapy Skills, Fourth Edition (ISBN: 9781478628750); and Martin-Moore, Basics of Clinical Practice: A Guidebook for Trainees in the Helping Professions (ISBN 9781577660057).

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  • Allen, Brenda J.

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Press, Inc., 2003

    ISBN 10: 1577663047ISBN 13: 9781577663041

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. Allen's proven ability and flare for presenting complex and oftentimes sensitive topics in nonthreatening ways carry over in the latest edition of Difference Matters. Her down-to-earth analysis of six social identity categories reveals how communication establishes and enacts identity and power dynamics. She provides historical overviews to show how perceptions of gender, race, social, class, sexuality, ability and age have varied throughout time and place. Allen clearly explains pertinent theoretical perspectives and illustrates those and other discussions with real-life experiences (many of which are her own). She also offers practical guidance for how to communicate difference more humanely. While many examples are from organizational contexts, readers from a wide range of backgrounds can relate to them and appreciate their relevance.This eye-opening, vibrant text, suitable for use in a variety of disciplines, motivates readers to think about valuing difference as a positive, enriching feature of society. Interactive elements such as Spotlights on Media, I.D. Checks, Tool Kits, and "Reflection Matters" questions awaken interest, awareness, and creative insights for change.

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  • Brenda J. Allen

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2010

    ISBN 10: 1577666739ISBN 13: 9781577666738

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. 2nd. Allen's proven ability and flare for presenting complex and oftentimes sensitive topics in nonthreatening ways carry over in the latest edition of Difference Matters. Her down-to-earth analysis of six social identity categories reveals how communication establishes and enacts identity and power dynamics. She provides historical overviews to show how perceptions of gender, race, social class, sexuality, ability, and age have varied throughout time and place. Allen clearly explains pertinent theoretical perspectives and illustrates those and other discussions with real-life experiences (many of which are her own). She also offers practical guidance for how to communicate difference more humanely. While many examples are from organizational contexts, readers from a wide range of backgrounds can relate to them and appreciate their relevance. The second edition includes updated statistics, recent research, and examples from contemporary events in the United States.

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  • Kathryn A. Kamp

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 1997

    ISBN 10: 0881339644ISBN 13: 9780881339642

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. Within the effective format of a nontechnical case study, Life in the Pueblo provides an understanding of the basic methodologies in modern archaeology, including the formation of archaeological sites, dating, the role of ethnographic analogy, and analytic techniques like trace element sourcing, use-wear analysis, and carbon isotope determinations of diet. The archaeological interpretations are put into perspective by the inclusion of Hope and Zuni history and myth and the liberal use of ethnographic information from the Hopi and other historic and modern puebloan groups. A short fictional reconstruction of life in the village invites the reader to reflect on the fact that the past was a period occupied by people, not just potsherds. Based on four years of excavation and ten years of analysis of a puebloan site near modern Flagstaff, Arizona, this profusely illustrated volume captures readers' interest and imagination as it explores some of the fundamental principles of archaeology.Titles of related interest also available from Waveland Press: Dozier, The Pueblo Indians of North America (ISBN 9780881330595); Fagan, Quest for the Past: Great Discoveries in Archaeology, Second Edition (ISBN 9780881337914); Kehoe-Pleger, Archaeology: A Concise Introduction (ISBN 9781577664505); and Struever-Holton, Koster: Americans in Search of Their Prehistoric Past (ISBN 9781577661672).

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  • Ulrich Plenzdorf

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 1996

    ISBN 10: 0881338915ISBN 13: 9780881338911

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. One of the most talked-about works ever published in the German Democratic Republic! This innovative novel by an East German writer is a worthy companion to the classic it parodies and parallels: Goethe's The Sufferings of Young Werther. Goethe and J. D. Salinger were the two greatest influences on Edgar Wibeau, "Young W." Edgar is a 17-year-old with the frustrations of teenagers all over the world, living with the added pressures of an East-bloc state. A model all-GDR boy, the son of a factory director, he suddenly drops out. But not from socialism per se--just from conformity, picky regulations, and official disapproval of jeans, the blues, and girls. Hiding out, he finds and devours an old copy of The Sufferings of Young Werther. From then on he wards off reality with Goethe texts, and young Wibeau's fate is superimposed on that of Werther like a transparent overlay. It is an ironic and revealing linkage. Titles of related interest from Waveland Press: Goethe, Gotz von Berlichingen: A Play (ISBN 9780881335415); Hauptmann, Three Plays [The Weavers, Hannele, and The Beaver Coat] (ISBN 9780881335408); and Novalis, Henry von Ofterdingen: A Novel (ISBN 9780881335743).

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  • Mongo Beti

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2005

    ISBN 10: 1577664183ISBN 13: 9781577664185

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. In Bomba the girls who are being prepared for Christian marriage live together in the women's camp. It is not clear whether the girls have to stay in the women's camp for such long periods for the good of their souls or for the good of the mission-building program. Only gradually does it become apparent that the local churchmen have also been using the local girls for their own purpose.Other titles by African writers from Waveland Press:Ba, So Long a Letter (ISBN 9781577668060)Emecheta, Kehinde (ISBN 9781577664192)Equiano, Equiano's Travels (ISBN 9781577664871)Head, The Collector of Treasures and Other Botswana Village Tales (ISBN 9781478607601)Head, Maru (ISBN 9781478607618)Head, When Rain Clouds Gather (ISBN 9781478607595)La Guma, In the Fog of the Seasons' End (ISBN 9781478600251)Marechera, The House of Hunger (ISBN 9781478604730)Mofolo, Chaka (ISBN 9781478607151)Ngugi-Mugo, The Trial of Dedan Kimathi (ISBN 9781478611318)Nwapa, Efuru (ISBN 9781478611011)Oyono, Houseboy (ISBN 9781577669883)Oyono, The Old Man and the Medal (ISBN 9781478609582)p'Bitek, Song of Lawino & Song of Ocol (ISBN 9781478604723)Plaatje, Mhudi (ISBN 9781478609575)Rifaat, Distant Views of a Minaret and Other Short Stories (ISBN 9781478611288).

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  • Steven R. Banks

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2012

    ISBN 10: 1577667697ISBN 13: 9781577667698

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. 2. Building on the success of the popular first edition, the author tackles the latest issues and practices in the field of classroom assessment. The No Child Left Behind Act has transformed the role of educational assessment, requiring annual assessments as part of a federal system of educational accountability. National accreditation organizations such NCATE have mandated standards-based performance and emphasized specific assessment benchmarks in meeting these standards. The inclusion movement to accommodate special-needs students in the regular education classroom also has impacted classroom assessment practices. Teacher assessment, classroom environment, test anxiety, the Race to the Top grants, and many more timely topics receive comprehensive yet accessible treatment.Banks provides thorough and well-documented discussions of performance assessment, essay and multiple-choice assessments, formative assessment, and reliability/validity issues as well as invaluable classroom assessment tools that include portfolios, rubrics, journals, and models such as Anderson and Krathwohl's revision of Bloom's Taxonomy. Gender and diversity issues, including learning differences and socioeconomic influences on student achievement, are given in-depth coverage. Outstanding features include case studies, point/counterpoint debates on controversial assessment topics and practices, teacher application exercises, thought-provoking self-assessment exercises, and end-of-chapter activities that include review questions and opportunities for directed learning.

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  • Deirdre McCloskey

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Press Inc., 1999

    ISBN 10: 1577660633ISBN 13: 9781577660637

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. A valuable short guide for mastering the craft of academic writing! Students and young professionals who care about direct, clear expression should read this lucid, delightful gem by an author who practices what she advises. McCloskey's systematic treatment provides a range of insights and practical advice for better writing by scholars in every field.Titles of related interest also available from Waveland Press: Brooks-Quigley, Words' Worth: Write Well and Prosper, Second Edition (ISBN 978-1577666776) and Gerard, Creative Nonfiction: Researching and Crafting Stories of Real Life, Second Edition(ISBN 9781478635307).

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  • Craig R. Smith

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2012

    ISBN 10: 1577667972ISBN 13: 9781577667971

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. The latest edition of Rhetoric and Human Consciousness remains a well-researched, accessible examination of rhetorical theory in Western civilization. Smith's in-depth coverage of the major figures who advanced rhetoric is strengthened by his keen analysis of developments in rhetorical theory that resulted from its interaction with other disciplines and the cultures surrounding it. The dialectic between rhetoric and other disciplines (notably philosophy and psychology) illuminate evolving definitions of rhetoric, from myth and display to persuasion and symbolic inducement. Well-chosen, engaging examples demonstrate how rhetoric can find truths, particularly at times when science and reason fail to solve important human crises. Paramount to this well-wrought survey is Smith's ability to show that rhetorical criticism illustrates, verifies, and refines rhetorical theory. Thus, the synergistic relationship between theory and criticism in rhetoric is no different than in other arts.Chief among the Fourth Edition's enhancements are expanded discussions of the historical context for the creation of rhetorical theory and its use in public address; additional coverage of Isocrates, Cicero, Machiavelli, Kenneth Burke, and Michel Foucault; new material on the rhetoric of civil religion, ideological criticism, constitutive discourse, and feminist rhetorical theory; and many fresh examples. Each chapter ends with questions that sharpen readers' retention of concepts and the ability to apply those to everyday life.Titles of related interest from Waveland Press: Foss et al., Contemporary Perspectives on Rhetoric, 30th Anniversary Edition (ISBN 9781478615248); Foss et al., Readings in Contemporary Rhetoric (ISBN 9781577662068); and Hauser, Introduction to Rhetorical Theory, Second Edition (ISBN 9781577662211).

  • Ann T. Jordan

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2011

    ISBN 10: 1577667026ISBN 13: 9781577667025

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. This timely and relevant case study presents an unparalleled anthropological overview of Saudi Arabia, a nation-state of prime importance, while it builds a vital understanding of globalization--the connectedness of the world. In its beautifully written pages, Jordan describes how a country with no modern education system and no modern technology or infrastructure developed all of these and became a first-rate world player in economics, education, and medicine in just a few short decades.After situating the work in current anthropological theory, Jordan presents a summary of the unique geography, history, and traditional cultures of the Arabian Peninsula. From there readers land in a world of traffic jams, skyscrapers, and marble shopping malls. They learn the steps of the modernization process, its effects on people's lives, and the reasons for its success through examples from education, the oil industry, and a mini case study of a hospital. This fast-moving, eye-opening account casts a wide net. It includes multifaceted discussions of international politics and political organization, the position of women and the role of religion, the global importance of the oil industry, and the impact of the 9/11 tragedy on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.In addition to introductory cultural anthropology and Middle East survey courses, The Making of a Modern Kingdom serves as an ideal casebook with modern applicability in political and economic anthropology courses.Titles of related interest from Waveland Press: Azoy, Buzkashi: Game and Power in Afghanistan, Third Edition (ISBN 9781577667209); Barth, Nomads of South Persia: The Basseri Tribe of the Khamseh Confederacy (ISBN 9780881332070); Brenneman, As Strong as the Mountains: A Kurdish Cultural Journey, Second Edition (ISBN: 9781478629306); Fakhouri, Kafr El-Elow: Continuity and Change in an Egyptian Community, Second Edition (ISBN 9780881332858); Fernea, A Street in Marrakech: A Personal View of Urban Women in Morocco (ISBN 9780881334043); and Omidian, When Bamboo Bloom: An Anthropologist in Taliban's Afghanistan (ISBN 9781577667001).

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  • Alan E. Kazdin

    Publicado por Brand: Waveland Pr Inc, 2008

    ISBN 10: 1577665821ISBN 13: 9781577665823

    Librería: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, Estados Unidos de America

    Valoración del vendedor: Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Softcover. Condición: Good. Alan Kazdin, a well-known and highly respected researcher in behavior modification, offers a scholarly, thoroughly contemporary look at behavior modification principles and their application in clinical, home, school, and work settings. By including both applied research and clinical intervention techniques, Kazdin's text provides a balance between research and practice. The new edition is now written in a more conversational style and offers an expanded "how to" focus, giving students opportunities to practice the principles.

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