"Though one may differ with this interpretation of U.S. history, or his views on the downside of the global media, much of what this soft-spoken prophet says has a middle-of-the-night ring of truth. The possibility that Chomsky glimpses something the rest of us fail to see is the ultimate explanation for his place in the current intellectual pantheon." -The Globe and Mail
Engaging and incisive, Chomsky on Democracy and Education is the first collection of writings, talks, and interviews, some previously unpublished, of his views on language, power, policy, and method in education.
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Librería: moluna, Greven, Alemania
Condición: New. Dieser Artikel ist ein Print on Demand Artikel und wird nach Ihrer Bestellung fuer Sie gedruckt. Noam Chomsky, C.P. OteroEngaging and incisive, Chomsky on Democracy and Education is the first collection of writings, talks, and interviews, some previously unpublished, of his views on language, power, policy, and method in education. Nº de ref. del artículo: 594676777
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Librería: GreatBookPrices, Columbia, MD, Estados Unidos de America
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Librería: Books Puddle, New York, NY, Estados Unidos de America
Condición: New. pp. 498. Nº de ref. del artículo: 26440035
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HRD. Condición: New. New Book. Delivered from our UK warehouse in 4 to 14 business days. THIS BOOK IS PRINTED ON DEMAND. Established seller since 2000. Nº de ref. del artículo: L1-9780415926317
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Librería: GreatBookPricesUK, Castle Donington, DERBY, Reino Unido
Condición: New. Nº de ref. del artículo: 681221-n
Cantidad disponible: 5 disponibles
Librería: Biblios, Frankfurt am main, HESSE, Alemania
Condición: New. PRINT ON DEMAND pp. 498. Nº de ref. del artículo: 18440041
Cantidad disponible: 4 disponibles